Hello I ask for prayer in regards to my son and I. I have a spouse that is doing all she can to keep us apart , to the extent of lying in court and to child services. I ask that The Lord delivers us from any harm or lies that are said in order to damage our relation. For the Lord to grant me...
pray the Clerk & Master will close out Taylor and all is good and we don't have to go to court. As you know I work for Atty and I ve had surgery and was late getting it filed. ALSO PRAY PRAY MY WATER PUMP HAS GONE OUT PRAY TOYOTA COVERS IT. PLEASE I HAVE NO MONEY TO FIX IT AND IT IS IN THE SHOP...
pray the Clerk & Master will close out Taylor and all is good and we don't have to go to court. As you know I work for Atty and I ve had surgery and was late getting it filed. Thank you all
Am waiting for the hard copy of judgement delivered on 16 Mar from court of Appeal I request for prayers that the judgement will be in my favor in Jesus name Amen
Please Pray for my urgent financial needs and house issue on the court also pray for unnecessary people giving trouble and for my burdened heart gone heavy due to this situation Please relieve me Lord from all the bad things In Jesus Name I ask Amen Amen
Praise the Lord thank you for praying for us. My son divorce case is still going on the girl is not coming to court since last 1p year & the court is still giving her chance but now the date is 11 April. Plz pray for us so on that day the judge will give decision from our side because my son is...
Dear Prayer Warriors Please pray my very urgent financial need and the Lord should remove the non real people from my life The house issue the court should grant in our favour Amen
Hello, I’m going throughout a very painful divorce. My wife is taking all the material stuff but now wants to take my son away From me and is lying to the court so she can have full custody. I do not care for the material stuff but I do care for my son I love him and need him in my life. Please...
Wedding ceremonies and marriage settlement to BG this year. My appeals to Court of Appeal allowed unanimously .Promotion and transfer at work. Healing of my dad from cancer
Father please humble my sisters and their husbands , their egos . Lord pls help . Jesus help my mom and her evil brother , he’s taking her to court she’s 81 yrs old , he is evil , very evil , pls lord stop him .
Pray terry get the grandparents custody for poor child Mither is on drugs and pray mother. Ben in court since 2 pray mr Hawkins pays me for Conservatorship and filing
Praise the Lord. Yesterday was my son Pratik's divorce case date again the court gave next date. We thought this will be last date. Plz pray for us so we can came out of this . My son is in trouble he is not able to concentrate on anything. He is a good boy but he is not able to work eat sleep...
Please pray for myself as I am entangled in court for my 2 daughters, custody, visitation and Child support. I love my girls and need prayers as the judge is just seeing one side of this whole mess. I as a Dad, am not giving up on my girls, I am willing to pay child support but this judge...
Dear Jesus, my daughter is being charged in court with 3 other staff. Her ex boss claimed that $550,000 is missing. First it was $400,000, then $450,000 and now he said is $550,000.
My daughter cried in court yesterday as the bail was $20,000 and we don't have that kind of money. We also can't...
I am praying for Nigeria. We have been robbed off our right to live. I am asking God to restore the people's chioce. As he Goes to Court to Battle. Let him succeed. No matter whats out there i have a believe that history will be made. Amen!
I need prayer: Please today is the last day that the Biological Father of my girls has to respond to the Court Serving so I can get Full Custody of my girls, in the name of Jesus. I ask God that the girl's father doesn't respond, in the name of Jesus. Amen.