I am being attacked and tortured by entities and spirits for many many years now. I really need deliverance and forgiveness, so these problems will end. There are about 20 or more entities stationed at many places and spots inside and outside my house. Some follow me everywhere, some stayed in...
Please restore, heal, add, mend, fill and cleanse me from curses, black magics, ritual magics, wish of others against me, prayer of others against me, chants of others against me, abilities of others against me, power of others against me, lies of others against me, words of others against me...
To heal, add, increase, mend and restore me from eggness, damages, brokenness, scars, disability, handicappedness, sickness, doings from others and all those ness. Centuple googolplex millions fold centuple. Past to future. Always and active. Once on every hit and past hits.
To restore, heal and add my spirit right after it's being pulled out every time centuple googolplex million-fold centuple. Always forever. Past to future.
There is some kind of things or devices or the ones from the west sucking my chest tired water out. Please wall off these things. Please restore mine and all people's tired chest water centuple googolplex millions fold centuple time more. Each second, the water is being sucked off. Please cover...
To heal and restore me from all those sacrifice centuple googolplex million fold centuple. Past, present and future. To protect me from attacks hands, feet and any parts