Jehova I call upon thee. My Labour is starting gradually. Into you I lift up my spirit and body. Oh my God full of mercy and grace please uphold me in this time and all the days of my life. Jehova please Grant me Life and strength to deliver this gift of a child you have given me. You have...
Jehova my heart is full of Praise.
2020 is almost over. A new year is upon us in a few hours. What is it you cannot do oh Jaweh? Who says there is no Jehova?
Ancient of Days we praise you. You are faithful. Reigning supreme and blessing us abundantly amidst Chaos. My praises are for You and You...
Please stand in my Gap. I feel so dry in my prayers and every time am about to pray I feel as if I cannot pray.
My prayer is that the power of prayer will burn and get revived in Jesus name and I break any plan of the enemy against my prayer life in Jesus name
Brethren please remember my younger brother Josiah in your prayers. He has been going through series of operations to help save his sight. Right now he can only see with one eye for the other one is already legally blind. On Wednesday he will have another surgery and according to the eye doctor...
doesn t
eye doctor
many operations
one eye
other one
remaining eye
series of operations
supreme power authority mercy
younger brother
younger brother josiah
I have a friend who had several knee-ops and again he will have one again. I ask the strong prayer-worriers to pray for W. so he will be pain free and no more needs ops. Thank you for your prayers!
My uncles exit was sudden. Very unexpected. His burial is starting today but there has been a lot of unrest in the family. May Jehova grant His peace and calm. Let no soul lose their lives because of the ceremony. Let the angels guard and protect . May our family be consoled. My cousins are now...
Jehova please Grant peaceful and successful burial ceremony for my uncle Solomon Ogunji. The days are so uncertain. Fears and doubts are present. But in Christ there is everlasting calm and peace. I pray for my family that we all be consoled by God and His Grace. My cousins are now orphans...
Heavenly Father talk to Joella and make her discern your voice , guide her mind and thoughts by the Holy Spirit , give your angels charge over her , remove the confusion and hesitation from her mind and her heart, lead her into your perfect will , open her eyes so she can see from you , open her...
angels charge
country: egypt
different ways
enemy talk
false ideas
guiding words
heart lead
heavenly father
holy spirit
many different ways
mighty name
mind eyes
mind eyes ears
mind heart
new different way
I call upon Jehova and invite Him into my situations. My wedding should be on the 19th of November but now the borders are closing again and we are not sure what next. The baby is soon on the way and i have to fly to the us soon before it’s too late to fly with the pregnancy. I pray for...
days jehovah
earth o jehovah
financial miracle
future hope
mighty name amen
thoughts of good
Heavenly Father talk to Joella and make her discern your voice, guide her mind and thoughts by the Holy Spirit, give your angels charge over her, remove the confusion and hesitation from her mind and her heart, lead her into your perfect will, open her eyes so she can see from you, open her ears...
angels charge
clear guiding voice
country: egypt
different ways
false ideas
guiding words
heavenly father
holy spirit
many different ways
mind eyes ears
mind heart
new different way
possible ways
rational perspective
rational thoughts
Jehova I bless your NAME. May this month of October bring great peace, love and fulfillment in our lives. May we all rejoice in the LORD OUR GOD. This is a blessed month in our Lives in Jesus name. Amen
May Jehova protect me and my loved ones from every attack of the enemy. May these days bring thanksgiving and praise. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Jehova please uphold me with your right hand. Save and bless Enrico. May he excel in his endeavors. Bless my pregnancy and grant me...
Please pray that I get healed from my Anxiety and traumas.I know god is here but my fears are very big at the moment. I ask for forgivness for how I talked lately. For myself and R.I pray god touches our hearts, opens our hearts for him and shuts our mouths when necessairy. I can‘t find any...
Hello everyone Please pray for me.I‘ve been stressed so much about things.My Anxiety about certain things is bad.I pray that I‘ll be safe wherever I am and will be.That the condo and building I live in is safe from any harm such as fire or other disasters. I pray that I feel that nothing will...
Lord Jesus, help us, we dont want to lose this friendship and not let ice set in. We with the grace of our Lord gave up smoking after being addicted for years but it has put us in a dead place, a place where noone talks anymore and each fights his own battles. Coldness has come in and it is sad...
pls somebody pray for my sister to have peace and rest in the Lord Jesus. Lord be with her in this night reveal yourself to her and draw her near to you. Let her feel your loving kindness. speak to her and speak to me since i can not be with her. Lord Jesus Christ I pray to you and thank you...