For both Ukrainians and Russians. Especially those who suffer the most and especially those who are the most afraid. I also pray for those who are responsible for this situation. May God soften their hearts and open their eyes to the suffering and evil they are causing. I pray for every family...
I'd like to give thanks to our Lord and everyone who prayed for me and my exam on here. God gave me abundantly more than I dared to hope for and I have no words ro describe how grateful I am, it's incredible how lucky I was. Praise the Lord because He's wonderful. And may He bless all the...
Hello, thank you for taking the time to read my request. I have the most important oral exam in my life in two days. I worked very hard for the past two months but I started revising today and I'm losing hope. I'm just sitting here and crying. Please, I need Lord's help in this. I really need to...
Jesus Christ, Son of God, please heal my wounded body. My sore hand. My high blood pressure. Please help you as you healed when you were here on Earth.
Praised be Jesus Christ. I would very much like to be healed. I wounded my right hand. I underwent surgical operation. I cut two tendon for index finger and the thumb. They had to sew nerve for these fingers. I feel pain in ball of the thumb already 2 years. I also feel pain in the palm and on...
I need deliverance from group of people who attack me constantly, in the day and in night, in my body and my mind, they attack my surroundings also. I used to be a member, but I left and they always are trying to hurt me and to ruin my life.
Hi, I'm a student in my last year. I've been studying absurdly long for my exam yet I don't seem to remember it. I have the exam in two days and I'm dealing with bad bouts of anxiety and panic. Please pray for my exam, just that I pass, with any mark. Please, I need a miracle. I just want it to...
I need Lord's help. I've been studying for my exam for two weeks and really struggling with it. I don't seem to remember much and I desperately need to pass to finish this year. Please, Lord, help me pass, help me calm down and trust you.
Lovely God bless you in Jesus name. Please pray for Bianka Golinska and Bernard Golinski from Slovakia. They had fallen. Bernardik was sleeping and moved in bed and Bianka was running when She fell down. Doctor said Bernardik is ok and in hospital nurse sent him as well home and doctor said...
Lovely God bless you in the Jesus Name. Bernardik has fallen from bed when He was sleeping an moving. My grandmother called me saying that children falling and even on beton not wood has fallen her another grandchild outside to not worry. We went to doctor and She said with nun that He would not...