Hello brothers and sisters thank you all for praying for me . Im recovering from my surgery , im not able to eat solid food but i hope it gets better soon . Thnk you jesus for keeping me alive , i hope i can pass in all my exams and make my parents proud . Amen
Please am from India this is for my husband his name is sajan and he is suffering from liver cirrhosis last two months he was admitted in the hospital now he dicharged. But now he need liver transplant. But we don't have many for further treatment and surgery now his serum albumin low our place...
liver cirrhosis
liver transplant
place inj albumin
serum albumin
serum albumin low
Please pray for my transfer of sponsorship to be completed in a few days for me to start with my new job/company. I'm currently in Saudi Arabia, a COVID-19 survivor. It's been more than 3 months since had my last job. Please help me to pray that God will give me favor to complete my visa...
3 months
country: philippines
covid 19 survivor
illegal alien
last job
new job company
thanks warriors
transfer of sponsorship
visa transfer
Please evangelist pray for me spiritual men attack me,help me please!! Am really tired,but after praying along with you ,they're not attacking me to much but still coming. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.I do believe and have faith that if I really recieve your prayers,I shall be fine in the might name of jesus christ...
Praise the Lord. Before l send prayer request for renewel of my job contract. GOD IS GREAT. TODAY I got my new job contract. Thank you Jesus. Thankyou all for your valuable prayers
Dear All Brothers and sisters,,, we have a court order today regarding our land dispute . Our uncles are not giving us our share in the property ... so pray for us To God Almighty that Court decision comes in our favour... Naseem begum vs brothers May God give Victory to us (naseem begum and her...
Please pray that I don't loose my job as my company is removing people from the job and I don't want to loose now atleast till all the flights are resumed so that I can reach my hometown safely. Please also pray for my wife's good health. Thanks
Please pray for me to free from debt.. Prayer financial blessings that God continue to bless since I'm the support my kids.. I got married not successful he having affairs outside marriage , we separated, then after how many years i got partner i thought he is the one but I'm not lucky, he is...
I’m Jiya. My husband and daughters are going exit to India on thursday 08 October, airindia express flight Riyadh to cochin. Kindly pray for them for the safe journey
Please Join me in praying the Novena of Sacred Heart
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for...
document of justification
expedite visa interview
father hail mary glory
father sacred heart
father sacred heart of place
holy mother
holy queen mother
holy spirit
loving o sweet virgin mary
st joseph foster father
tender mother
womb holy mary mother
Hi! Am sandra from Kenya but am in Saudi Arabia working as a househelper,am here because of my problems such as marriage, poverty and even no progress in my family and marriage, please help me with prayers and even some time i have sleepless nights, before I come to saudi arabia I usually have a...
am nakyiwewa gladys in saud man of God pray for me am sick nina ebisalasala okutandikila mubulango mpaka mukyiwatto man of God pray for me am tired this situation God give me money i want to buy aplot befor the end of this year I want to be landroad I want to buy acar I want to build a good...
good house man
good house man of work naye sente simanyi jenzilaga buli webasasula ngadwala man
jenzilaga buli
mukyiwatto man
nakyiwewa gladys
ngadwala man
saud man
sick nina ebisalasala okutandikila mubulango mpaka mukyiwatto man
Please Join me in praying the Novena of Sacred Heart
Day 9 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and...
document of justification
evil hail mary
expedite visa interview
father hail mary glory
father sacred heart
father sacred heart of place
gracious advocate thine eyes
holy queen mother
holy spirit amen
st joseph foster father
sweet virgin mary
womb holy mary mother