Please pray for me I am a sinful man I broke my promised I made to my kids and my wife. Please pray for a peace in my heart. Please pray for me to destroy this womanize feeling in me. Please pray for some works for me to pay my loan and my land and look after my family.
I am a sinful man and I'm dishonest my wife and my kids please people pray for me
I have financial problem and I could not afford to pay my loan and my land
I have involve in many government projects and non of these project has happened at this time that I really need some money
Please pray for...
Plse pray for my missing nephew, Semisi Harry Chan Tung. He has been last seen with homeless people in LA, Hollywood area. His parents n siblings are currently searching for him in the area. Tomorrow will be the last day before they have to return to Hollister, CA for work during the week. Plse...
area tomorrow
hollister ca
hollywood area
homeless people
missing nephew semisi harry chan tung
parents n siblings
safety time
week pulse
We've just found out that the land we bought for 20 years and built a house is demonic, there were some people buried on it. And it is the cause of all the attcks to our family. Please i need prayers for Gods direction in what to do and Gods protection over our family.
Please pray for Gods favour over Agape JAL nurse-led primary health care services and clinic. May God extend his blessings and annointing for our team to reach out with love to people and may God expand its work on earth in Jesus name.
Please need prayers to reveal every attack of the devil in our family. Our desire is to serve God together as a family. We love the Lord very much and we are attack in our spiritual journey one after another.Please pray for Gods guidance and protection in our lives.
Please need prayers for my husband he is loosing a lot of weight. Im not really sure if there is any hidden sickness or anything that the devil wants to slow him down from doing the work of God. He is a faithful servant of God. His name is Afeleti. I pray for healing and delivance in his body in...
Pray for the mighty protection of God over Nyla at work and everywhere she goes. God may grant her strength to deal with the attack of devil in her mind in Jesus name. May the Lord expose every lies of the devil and encounter it with the truths of his word in Jesus name.
Pray for the mighty protection of God over Nyla at work and everywhere she goes. God may grant her strength to deal with the attack of devil in her mind in Jesus name. May the Lord expose every lies of the devil and encounter it with the truths of his word in Jesus name.
I need prayers for good health and long life for me and my family. i need financial break through in Jesus name. I need the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life and hears his voice.
I need prayers for good health and long life for me and my family. i need financial break through in Jesus name. I need the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life and hears his voice.
Need prayer for my son to live a normal life. His name is Vito He had autism since birth. he had problem in speech, bladder incontinence and bowel motion difficulties , vomiting and epilepsy episode 2 times. I trust God for his healing and deliverance in Jesus name