country: saint lucia

  1. notforsaken

    Father am crying out to you. Help ...

    Father am crying out to you. Help me.
  2. notforsaken

    This is the first time in my ...

    This is the first time in my life I have ever considered suicide seriously and I wanr God to come to my situation and deliver me it is,too much for me to bear. I need His devine intervention now. He knows I need my job, but my mim is ill and we need a place to live this week. Jehovah Jireh...
  3. notforsaken

    This is the first time in my ...

    This is the first time in my life I have ever considered suicide seriously and I wanr God to come to my situation and deliver me it is,too much for me to bear. I need His devine intervention now. He knows I need my job, but my mim is ill and we need a place to live this week. Jehovah Jireh...
  4. notforsaken

    Please Father help my mom to sleep ...

    Please Father help my mom to sleep at nights through the night. Lord have mercy on us. Heal her and give her courage.I need help Lord. Help the apartment be ready and let us move in this week. Father my daughter has so much pressure at work, help her meet her target and sign on 3-5 clients this...
  5. notforsaken

    Father your will. Heal me calm my ...

    Father your will. Heal me calm my storm, Good ve me joy, so much is happening and I dont know what to do or where to go, Father my shoulders are heavy, trial after trial and I dont know what to do I need help from above, devine intervention in my life, my work give me favor as I still need...
  6. notforsaken

    Faher be with my mom in the ...

    Faher be with my mom in the hospital give her a calm night and restful sleep. Watch over her, bless her, heal her favor her. Give me strength. Amen
  7. notforsaken

    Father help my daughter and her roomate, ...

    Father help my daughter and her roomate, calm the situation, calm the mother of her roomate, I pray all parties will be sensible and no rash decisions made. Calm my daughter and prorect her and keep her safe. In Jesus name Amen
  8. notforsaken

    Father make a way for me to ...

    Father make a way for me to move this weekend and provide money and an apartment today. Amen
  9. Nunhogh

    Mother (Gertrude Roberts) needs cure from aneurysm ...

    Mother (Gertrude Roberts) needs cure from aneurysm in her stomach and restoration of ability to walk.
  10. Tunmoor

    Lord I thank you for everything. Thank ...

    Lord I thank you for everything. Thank you for life. My family and my job you have provided for me. Lord I place everything in your hands. Be my guide my protector and my strength everywhere I go. Protect my job my steps . Be before each step I take. I pray for my family and my boyfriend Lord as...
  11. notforsaken

    Father what do I do where do ...

    Father what do I do where do I go. Abba, Father pilot me,show me your will oh Lord. Help me to know what is your will keep me safe and heal my mom frim pain and sleepless nights. Father I am weak and I am drowning in this trial the water is over my head. I look to you to save me now. Jehovah...
  12. notforsaken

    Father I need an apartment to move ...

    Father I need an apartment to move to by Saturday this,week. Abba Father hear my prayer. Amen
  13. notforsaken

    Father I dont know how you are ...

    Father I dont know how you are going to do it, but I believe in faith that you will privide ALL what I need to move and provide a comfortable place for my mom and send angels to help. In Jesus Name. Amen Thank You Jesus
  14. notforsaken

    Deliverance, healing and financial blessing needed

    Father help me am crying out to you please deliver me I am drowning and I need finances, an apartment a care giver for my mom, and healing for her with no more pain. Watch over her tonight and give her rest, send angels to her bedside to comfort her and remove the pain. Hallelujah Amen
  15. notforsaken

    Jehovah Jireh I need $2000.00 to move ...

    Jehovah Jireh I need $2000.00 to move into the apartment for my mom. She had a stroke and now I have to care for her. Send angels to help us. Believing for supernatural favor and financial blessing today. Amen
  16. notforsaken

    Prayer for deliverance from attack of the ...

    Prayer for deliverance from attack of the enemy against my mom and myself. Abba papa deliver us,today Amen
  17. notforsaken

    Father you said that you would not ...

    Father you said that you would not give me more than I can bear. I need you now to deliver me and my mom from the attack of the enemy. My mom heals full healing from her stroke so she can walk, and move and heal her whole body. Give me strength and provide all the money I need for the apartment...
  18. notforsaken

    Father please provide 1500 for apartment by ...

    Father please provide 1500 for apartment by Friday and money to get ambulance to puck up my mom and utilities deposit and food. Father deliver us we pray. Amen
  19. notforsaken

    Jesus I need you to send me ...

    Jesus I need you to send me help. My mom had a stroke and I need helpers or aides from the gov program to assist my mom while am at work. I need a donation of a wheelchair, bath cammode and I need the apartment to be ready bt Friday. Give me favor with my job so I will not be fired give da...
  20. notforsaken

    Father Great and Mighty God you are ...

    Father Great and Mighty God you are awesome. Thank You for providing everything I need and for my mom, and family, my daughter, Wins and Thank You for being right on time. Hallelujah Amen
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