Please pray for me, I am a mother of a wonderful 1 and half year old baby, but I don't feel very well I am feeling swollen lymph nodes in my body and I want you to pray for my health, please God keep me in good health for my so to raise him and to care for him, to give him all the love he needs...
Pleade lray for my and my loved ones well being and salvation
Please lray that my breakthrough comes and that i stay still in lrayer!
Thank you, have a blessed day
Hi Please lray for my and my loved ones' well being and salvation. Please lray for my breakthrough. Please pray that i get a good sleep. Please lray so i can thank God more. Thank you, have a blessed day
Please pray for me that I live my life with joy, love and holiness. I want to live my life at its full, so please pray that I can rely on God and that I realise what mission He has for me so I can do it!
Please pray for my loved ones' salvation.
Please pray for my ear ache.
Please pray...
Hello, please pray that God talks to me and shows me direction. Also please pray that I remain holy and in prayer, and that my breakthrough comes. Have a blessed day.
Please pray for me that right now, in this moment of prayer, I find God and i truly talk to him, that i go to him and never leave him again.
Pmease pray that RIGHT NOW, IN THIS MOMENT OF PRAYER, God reveals himself to A! Please pray for his salvation and well being!
Please pray that I...
Hi, please pray that I let go of the past and that God completly heals me. Please pray that This night i truly find and talk to God. Please pray that A. seeks and finds God right inthe moment of prayer and gets saved.
Please pray that I believe what God has promised. Please.
Have a blessed day.
Please pray for me... I've always had a huge problem: I totally dislike my gender. But I know that God all of us in his image, equal, and powerful! I want to accept it! Please, please pray for me... Have a blessed day!
Hello! Please pray for me and my loved ones to be safe, healthy, wise, loving and saved. Please pray for A to be happy, healthy, wise, loving, for God to give him inteligence, courage, faith and pleaseeee pray that God reveales Himself to him right now! I really want him to be saved! And please...
big leaps of faith
blessed day
happy healthy wise loving
intelligence courage faith
long time
loved ones
safe healthy wise loving
Please pray for me that i forgive myself and allow myself to be forgiven by God for something I did in the past... please pray that I am not fearful anymore that someone might find out. Thank you.
Please pray that I can deliver myself from my addictions. Please pray that i can stop being jealous over worldy things, that I can stop overthinking and allowing distracting thoughts and that i can focus just on Jesus!
Please pray that God reveales himself to my loved one RIGHT NOW, and protects...
Holy Lord, please forgive once again my sins and make it Thy Will that I shall not be forced to leave the location or the country I am in, being in a desperate situation. And bring your blessings over all those who help me and over those who live with me in the room and over the guardians at the...
Hello I come to ask you to be with me in prayer at 13:00 Romanian time is a time difference between us and you .... I want you to pray as many as you can for a girl (Mirabela). .her father died and in a few hours at 13:00 the funeral takes place! I beg you with all my heart to pray that she...