1.Big car accident with to rehulsr cars and one trailer. Pray for the involved and their families, the witnesses, first respondere and all health care workers involved. Pray for wisdom, peace, love, calm, kindness and grace. Your will be done, Lord. But please, show mercy and forgiveness to all...
Starting vacation today. Pray for peace, kindness and love. Pray for safe driving and safe trafic. Pray for calming trip and a calm heart. Pray we have a good time. Amen
I feel I am attacked. Everything around me seems to try to break me completely. Please pray for protection. I feel so broken. I am so alone. Nobody loves me. Except my 5 year old daughter. I have no energy. I need to take care of her. Please, Jesus, help me on the right path. Help my daughter...
Pray for being okay. Help me feel safe. I patient care is not going great. I need answers to whether I should stay or not. Its such a short stay, that even the therapist here said it might not be as fruitful and they wouldnt really get to know me. And I am going to my mothers birthplace for...
Having in patient care tomorrow and the next 5 days. I am so scared about leaving my daughter for that long. I feel sick. And I am afraid of the treatment. Afraid I will fail in some way, or be let down yet again. So it all will have been for nothing. Please pray for me. Please, help me Jesus. Amen
Pray for full relaxation today at my massage therapy. Help it release som trauma. Pray for my phone meeting after with one of my bosses. Help me be safe and that she understands me. Let it be a fruitful conversation. Bless me and protect me. Pray my daughter has the best da at kindergarden ❤️ Amen
Bless me today with peace, a calm heart, body, soul, kindness, wisdom, knowing the right things to say, balance in talking/listening, warmth, happiness, safety/feeling safe, grace, humility, being brave, love and Your hand to hold throughout the day ❤️ Bless me with an interview that goes well...
best side
brave love
calm heart body soul kindness wisdom
fast decision
right things
safe grace humility
strong contender
warmth happiness safety
Please pray for my stepmothers recovery. Her surgery went well, she is staying at the hospital for a few days. Pray it goes smoothly. I have a job interview tomorrow. I have not been able to prepare to much. Pray that I be granted wisdom to speak what I should and nothing more. Pray I dont make...
1. Pray for my stepmoms brain surgery tomorrow. 2. Pray for my relationships in my family - help me see what I should or should not endure and grant me wisdom to make decisions to help me leave toxic relationships. Give me strength. And help me get better so my traumaresponse doesnt make me...
Was attacked verbally by my boss today. Please do not let her ruin my present or future for me. Please let her be exposed for what she is. Protect me from her. Amen