Favour in finding new job and God's provision. Also justice and healing from a person who hasn't kept their word to me but say nice things that leaves you hanging for many months. I feel confused and sad because of this...
I need prayers. It seems everything is working against me. The worth of my house is estimated way lower than expected, and I can not afford leaving my husband/retning anything/buying a new apartment. Job opportunity is not good. Cant make enda meet. I am losing my mind, hope. And intrusive...
easy treatable cancer
housing amen
intrusive toxic thoughts
mind hope
new apartment job opportunity
next estimate house
Please, pray my husband and I figure things out. I hope he still loves me. And that it will work out. But I am not sure. Jesus, help me see what I need to do. Amen
Please help me escape my ex's money threats. She has already ruined me financially. I am trying to be a dad, but I am stuck here. Please give me strength, help me connect with my family and my friends again. I am so lost, so lonely, so forsaken, so broke and I need help. I desperately need a...
I can feel peace after asking this community for prayers during this crisis with leaving my husband and having shared custody. My financial struggle and dont knowing what to do still is here some. Pray for me that Jesus takes the wheel, shows me to good decisions and helps me. Pray that if I...
I get so paralyzed with grief and sorrow. And I become such a distracted and poor parent. I am so afraid of the future and what will happen to my daughter. I am overwhelmed with my terribly choices with my finances of the past. Please let people see my gofundme page. And please let someone help...
I am finally leaving my husband. But I am so scared. For myself and how I am going to handle this with no support. But mostly for my daughter and her mental health. Please, pray for our mental health, our spirituals health, emotionally healrh, physical health and pray for an economical miracle...
economic miracle
gofundme page
mental health
none people
small amounts
spiritual health emotional health physical health
Please help me and my daughter ❤️ Help starting over for my daughter and myself! Amen (if this is in violation of any rules on this page, I will take the post down)
Please pray for me feeling better soon. Help me get started on the things I need. Please, pray that someone sees my gofundme page and donates money to help me pay off all my debt. Amen
I am having pmdd. And feeling very low, lot of pain, and I struggle to be patient and kind. I struggle to be a good mother. Help me God, so I am kind to my daughter and thar I can hkde these sides of me from her. Let her not be damaged by having me as a mother. Pray we have a good day together. Amen
I pray that the neighbour baby stops screaming/have its needs met. Pray that the baby is not mistreated. Pray that I get to sleep. That my triggering from own childhood is calmed down, Jesus. I get so afraid. Pray that my husband stops being evil towards me. And forgive me fro my hateful...
Help me through exposing myself to group training yet again. Help me Focus on me. Let the trainer be kind and helpful. Help me help myself. Remove toxic thoughts from me. Help me feel safe. Amen
Please, pray that I have a good experience with group training. I struggle to feel safe due to old trauma. So I am trying it now to make it feel safe and because I need it for my health. Pray I dont feel stupid. Amen