Pray for peace, kindness, love and safety for my daughter. Pray for this day, that it will be about her and her needs ❤️ Pray for protection against her father. Amen
My ex have tricked me and is now legally in charge of every decision about our child. I pray that I win this back. That he stops his evil. Help me,Jesus. Amen
Pray for the meeting with child protective services. Pray that I am safe. Pray that my counsellors talk to them and make them believe that I am a good mother. Amen
Pray that they dont try to take my child away. Pray they dont think I am a bad parent. Pray my daughter feels loved and happy. Pray all the big changes that are happening dont break her. Amen
Going to see child protection services about my concerns about my daughter and her father. Please help me. Please let them believe me.
Bless me with clear speech and help me get my concerns across in a way that they respect me and trust my story. Pray that my words are truthful and that I stay...
Pray for me and my family. Pray for us in this cabin. Pray we are safe. Pray the wedding is okay. Pray my daughter is fine. Pray she feels safe and loved and wanted. Give me the energy to play with her or make her feel seen. Amen
Pray for sleep and safety Pray for the healing og my daughters heart. And mine. Pray i get enough sleep for work tomorrow. Pray that if I get a visitor after work tomorrow it is fun and relaxing Amen
Hello! I've had a cold for a few days. Today I went to the doctor. There it was found that the white blood cells were greatly elevated. I was given antibiotics. Pray that the cure will have a good effect and that I will be completely healthy.
Thank you for your intercession!
God bless you!
Pray for my boss being kind and understanding, and that it stays that way. Pray I learn from this and never do it again. Pray for protection from evil people. And Pray for kindness, grace, peace and love. Bless my daughter especially with this. Pray everything with the finale of the sale of our...
I have ruined my life and pushed everyone away, now all I have is my dog, and some snakes that just want to use me, I really need to fix this or lord please take my life from me
Pray for forgiveness. For not being forced to lie more than I already have. I feel so stupid, but I sorely needed the vrak from work. Please keep me from being exposed from this. Amen
Pray I dont get caught in lying to have a few days off work. It was stupid, but I needed it to get on track. So scared that I am gonna lose my job. Help me, forgive me. Please, let me not be caught in the lie. Amen
I got the apartment. Pray for good choices financially forward. Pray for sleep tonight. Pray for good sleep, and feeling tested tomorrow. Help me get to work on time. Help me be humble. Truly humble. Pray for a good day. Amen