country: malawi

  1. Bulorus

    A Nigeria boy have pregnancy to my ...

    A Nigeria boy have pregnancy to my daughter South Africa.Then sent thể kid to me in Malawi at 9months ò age. Hệ went to his home Nigeria I just want him to be supporting hi kid since we communicate bút nó child support. 2. Break the spirit ò poverty in the family .Thank u for praying for me.
  2. Parakolouthoria

    Pls help me am 7 months pregnancy ...

    Pls help me am 7 months pregnancy and my marriage is nomore bt am also having stomach pain
  3. Ynara

    Last born daughter getting a job

    last born daughter to get a good job. She is a graduate but refuses to work . instead she prefers to do her own business which is not giving her much cash. She has a child whom she is raising alone.Prayer for her to accept to get a job
  4. Getroff

    prayer for deliverance

    may you please assist me in prayers for our intercession group, we are seeing limitations in prayer and progress. may we be prayed for so that we be delivered from all chains binding us
  5. Auligan

    Help me praying to God almighty to ...

    Help me praying to God almighty to forgive me my sins. And to open new doors for me.
  6. Nultre

    I need tips to go to heaven ...

    I need tips to go to heaven because i am about to commit suicide Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.-------- Original message --------
  7. Kewethlock

    Fees problem

    Please help me pray that I find fees for semester 5. I have only managed to pay MK100,000 out of the required MK 505,000. Please Lord help me find the remaining amount. In Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!!!
  8. Kewethlock

    Pass exams

    Please help me pray that I pass my semester 4 exams without supplementary, repeat course or semester, deferred or withdraw. Oh Lord help me. In Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!!!
  9. Culesea

    Let's pray for Tadala girls and women ...

    Let's pray for Tadala girls and women empowerment to find Godly sent donors
  10. Lanamar

    Dear Lord,I need success in a job ...

    Dear Lord,I need success in a job interview I did on 12th November 2020.
  11. Tessyc

    Hello, I'm tessy praying for HIV skin ...

    Hello, I'm tessy praying for HIV skin effection ev hpv type all over my skin
  12. Oplexlilok

    Hello my name is Augustine ,,please help ...

    Hello my name is Augustine ,,please help me in prayers . always idream at villages , am dreaming the same place. Please help me in Jesus Christ name.
  13. Anektage

    I pray to God for thanks and ...

    I pray to God for thanks and forgiveness i pray for the sick and i pray that i pass my ewams in each of the classes am going and writing i pray that i give my self to Jesus
  14. Nurenal

    I ask for prayers of deliverance and ...

    I ask for prayers of deliverance and healing
  15. Shodkel

    Financial prayer..

    Brother ,sisters , pastors and prophets Please talk to God about me I am breathing flames..still failing paying credits now my daughter is seriously sick and I am my dear relatives
  16. Chagtysh

    Good morning Man of God. I really ...

    Good morning Man of God. I really need your urgent prayers. Labour started 2 days ago but the child isn't dropping. Please I dont need another c section this time around. May the God you serve hear my name is Elnat Ntchembe Mrs. The way is also not dilating it has been at 1 since...
  17. Akatharteimma

    Hallo, emmanuel please pray for my entire ...

    Hallo, emmanuel please pray for my entire family for protection,long life and salvation that God should visit us one by one and transform us,there is a journey before me to go America I commit my journey in the hands of God
  18. Prokatangiasis

    My name is Blessings Nyirenda from Malawi. ...

    My name is Blessings Nyirenda from Malawi. Yesterday I fasted and prayed over forgiveness , healing, knowledge and wisdom ,breakthrough and deliverance. Pray for me so that my petitions will be made known before God. Amen
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