"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"
—Hebrews 1:14
Morning Thought
Angels are the unseen attendants of the saints of God; they bear us up in their hands, lest we dash our foot against a stone. Loyalty to their Lord leads...
14 morning thought
charles h spurgeon
deep interest
devos spurgeon
devos spurgeon morning
heirs of salvation seraphim
innumerable company of angels
ministering spirits
morning thought angels
morning vows
olden times
stone loyalty
twenty thousand chariots
unseen attendants
written consent
"He himself hath suffered being tempted."
—Hebrews 2:18
Evening Thought
It is a common-place thought, and yet it tastes like nectar to the weary heart-Jesus was tempted as I am. You have heard that truth many times: have you grasped it? He was tempted to the very same sins into which we...
charles h spurgeon
common manhood
common place
dark room
devos spurgeon evening
good cheer
place of safety
representative man
same enemy
same sins
sharp fight
tempted ones
tempted savior
weary heart
written consent
[Talking about his second coming, Jesus continued,] "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."
—Mark 13:32 NLT
Key Thought
The greatest secret of all time is the exact day and hour of the...
13 32 nlt key
carol stream illinois
exact day
family romans
greatest secret
heartlight inc
holy bible new living translation copyright
important questions
indiscernible answer
lord's return
permission of tyndale house publishers
related scripture readings
son's return today's father
tyndale house foundation
tyndale house publishers inc
written consent
Hebrews 13:1-5
Dear Father, hospitable king,
Fill me with brotherly love. Make me a generous provider of hospitality to strangers. Let angels find provision under my roof, even when I don't know who they really are.
Help me remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and...
13 1 5 dear father hospitable king
attractive book
brotherly love
commercial use
devos pwp
eldon degge
eldon degge http feeds feedburner com r
generous provider
generous provider of hospitality
heartlight inc
love of money
marriage bed
meridian publishing
written consent
written consent heartlight
[God] has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant — not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
—2 Corinthians 3:6 NIV
Key Thought
With the coming of Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit, God brought his promised new covenant (Jeremiah...
2020 heartlight inc
biblica inc
eugene h peterson
goodness faithfulness gentleness
holy bible new international version
holy spirit gifts
new covenant
peace patience kindness
tyndale house publishers inc
The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
—Psalm 10:2 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God absolutely hates violence, intimidation, or any means used for the powerful to control, manipulate, or hound those who are weaker. He...
2 kjv thoughts
holy bible new international version
international bible society
kjv 4
pride doth
salvation romans
scripture quotations
weaker he loathes
zondervan publishing house
"The hope which is laid up for you in heaven."
—Colossians 1:5
Morning Thought
Our hope in Christ for the future is the mainspring and the mainstay of our joy here. It will animate our hearts to think often of heaven, for all that we can desire is promised there. Here we are weary and...
celestial fields
charles h spurgeon
constant grief
devos spurgeon
devos spurgeon morning
faithful servant
heaven colossians
highest uses
hope of heaven
joyous effort
land of rest
potent force
present reward
unknown things
written consent
"A man greatly beloved."
—Daniel 10:11
Evening Thought
Child of God, do you hesitate to appropriate this title? Ah! has your unbelief made you forget that you are greatly beloved too? Must you not have been greatly beloved, to have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb...
beloved daniel
charles h spurgeon
devos spurgeon
devos spurgeon evening
divine love
evening thought child
exceeding greatness
faithfulness of divine love
heartlight inc
loving father
precious blood
super abounding love
superabounding love
unspeakable love
written consent
"He will give grace and glory."
—Psalms 84:11
Evening Thought
Bounteous is Jehovah in his nature; to give is his delight. His gifts are beyond measure precious, and are as freely given as the light of the sun. He gives grace to his elect because he wills it, to his redeemed because of his...
bestowal grace
bloom grace
charles h spurgeon
darkest hour reader
devos spurgeon
diamond rivet
faithful two golden links
full bloom grace
future grace
glory of eternity
glory of heaven
glory psalms
grace poverty
little conjunction
long glory
one celestial chain
sabbath dress grace
soul glory
[Talking about his second coming, Jesus continued,] "Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear."
—Mark 13:31 NLT
Key Thought
While heaven and earth will pass away, Jesus' words — his promise to return along with all of his other promises — will be fulfilled. We can...
13 31 nlt key thought
carol stream illinois
heartlight inc
holy bible new living translation copyright
jesus' promises
many answers
old testament
old testament jesus' words
permission of tyndale house publishers
related scripture readings
son's promises
track record
tyndale house foundation
tyndale house publishers inc
written consent
Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!
—Isaiah 10:1-2 (KJV)...
1 2 kjv thoughts
concerned people
fatherless isaiah
holy bible new international version
int tv en kjv
international bible society
kjv thoughts
o father
permission of zondervan publishing house http feeds feedburner com r
scripture quotations
today's verse
unrighteous decrees
vsryzr5o gm
zondervan publishing house
Hebrews 12:29
Dear Father, who dwells in indescribable light,
Living God, consuming fire, burn the sin from my life. Purify my heart's desire in the smelter of your holiness.
I want to do your will, Father, so that whatever I do, in word or deed, it will be done in the name of the Lord Jesus...
12 29 dear father
attractive book
commercial use
dear father
devos pwp
eldon degge
eldon degge http feeds feedburner com r
heart's desire
heartlight inc
indescribable light
light living consuming fire
meridian publishing
written consent heartlight
We follow this sequence in Scripture: The First Adam received life, the Last Adam is a life-giving Spirit.
—1 Corinthians 15:45 MESSAGE
Key Thought
Adam needed for God to breathe the breath of life into him. Jesus, "the Last Adam", triumphed over death and poured out life through the Spirit...
1996 2020 heartlight inc
45 message key thought
biblica inc
breath of life
commercial use
devos godsholyfire
eugene h peterson
god's holy
holy bible new international version
holy bible new international version niv copyright
holy fire
holy spirit holy spirit
http feeds feedburner com r
message copyright
message key thought adam
new life
pentecost acts
permission of navpress
permission of zondervan
phil ware scripture quotations
source of life
today's loving father
tyndale house publishers
tyndale house publishers inc
worldwide scripture quotations
written consent
"Pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved."
—Song of Solomon 7:13
Morning Thought
The spouse desires to give to Jesus all that she produces. Our heart has "all manner of pleasant fruits," both "old and new," and they are laid up for our Beloved. At this rich...
charles h spurgeon
devos spurgeon
head old sins
manner of pleasant fruits
new efforts
new fruits
new gratitude
new labors
new labour's
new life new joy
new life new joy new gratitude
new resolves
old fruits
old remembrances
one good fruit
pleasant fruits new
rich autumnal season
Through the years I’ve received emails from wives who’ve described sexual misuse and even abuse from their husbands and went on to say that they were trying to be submissive. Many shared how they’d had scriptures cited at them—by husbands, church leaders, or other Christians—as evidence that...
biblical submission
common command words
complementarian vs egalitarian debate
complex word
degrading sexual behavior
different approach submission
dominance submission framework
husband s leadership
pornography adultery marital rape deviance
reasonable biblical interpretation
reasonable christians
strong visceral reaction
version of submission
word submission
worthwhile theological debate
Dear Lord,
I pray for myself and for other wives who struggle with initiating intimacy. I pray we would have the courage to pursue our husbands. I pray we would not let other excuses help us justify why we shouldn’t. I pray nothing steals our heart’s attention away from our husbands. May You...
heart s attention
initiating intimacy
name amen
other excuses
other wives
shouldn t
[Jesus continued,] "I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene before all these things take place."
—Mark 13:30 NLT
Key Thought
There are many ways this statement has been interpreted:
Some understand this verse to mean that all of Mark 13 is referring to the...
30 nlt key
carol stream illinois
edge of jesus' return
heartlight inc
holy bible new living translation copyright
jewish war
many christians
many ways
permission of tyndale house publishers
place mark
promised return
son's return
tyndale house foundation
tyndale house publishers inc
written consent
"Sing forth the honour of his name, make his praise glorious."
—Psalms 66:2
Morning Thought
It is not left to our own option whether we shall praise God or not. Praise is God's most righteous due, and every Christian, as the recipient of his grace, is bound to praise God from day to day. It...
absolute obligation
authoritative rubric
charles h spurgeon
daily praise
devos spurgeon
devos spurgeon morning
divine husbandman
pleasurable exercise
praise glorious psalms
redeeming king
setting sun
songs of praise
unwritten mandate
written consent
"A living dog is better than a dead lion."
—Ecclesiastes 9:4
Evening Thought
Life is a precious thing, and in its humblest form it is superior to death. This truth is eminently certain in spiritual things. It is better to be the least in the kingdom of heaven than the greatest out of it. The...
better watch
charles h spurgeon
dead calms
dead faith
dead lion ecclesiastes
dead lions
dead profession
devos spurgeon
lifeless songs
living dog
living loving gospel sermon
living o
other religious exercises
poorest spiritual preacher
same lifeless material
sight of superior
spiritual things
Hebrews 12:29
Dear Father, who dwells in indescribable light,
I want to love the Light. Your verdict is: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
They hate the light because they are afraid they will be exposed. As for me, Lord God...
attractive book
commercial use
devos pwp
eldon degge
eldon degge http feeds feedburner com r
heartlight inc
hebrews 12 29 dear father
indescribable light
meridian publishing
written consent heartlight