country: latvia

  1. tolstuhu

    poor dog in kill shelter

    Please pray for the poor dog to get out of the shelter M.. which kills animals. He had already escaped, but now he has been brought back. Pray for him to get home.Thank you
  2. tolstuhu

    Please say your prayer about pet

    Please pray for the cat Pokohonta 6 y.old who lost her only home and owner to get adopted from animal shelter U. Thanks
  3. tolstuhu

    pets needing home

    Please pray for the cats Piekusiene and Merlina to get adopted from the charity L. Thanks
  4. tolstuhu

    dream about house for homeless pets

    please pray for the charity society The Animals Helper to collect at least several thousands USD to build house for homeless pets. Thanks
  5. tolstuhu

    pets needing help

    Please, pray for 2 hungry cats to receive help and warm shelter. one of them was evicted from their home after the death of their owner. Thank you
  6. tolstuhu

    financial problems of charity

    Please pray for pet charity I. to receive enough donations to pay off debts for litter, animal treatment, electricity and buy food for homeless pets.Desperately need at least $1000 Thank you
  7. tolstuhu

    homeless pet colony needing help

    Please pray for help and food for the homeless colony of 35 cats, otherwise they will die of starvation and cold in a closed cottage area. Pray that the information spreads on social networks, that charities get involved and that many cats also find homes. Thank you
  8. tolstuhu

    charity financial problems

    Please pray that the charity V.K. receives financial donations of at least USD 1000 to buy food for hungry homeless cats.:Please spread the request on social networks. Thank you
  9. tolstuhu

    help for animal charity

    Please pray that good people and the companies will donate enough money and building materials to the charity A.,. to build warm huts for old homeless dogs that get very cold. Thanks
  10. tolstuhu

    please pray for poor cat who lost ...

    please pray for poor cat who lost her only home in tha basement to get a warm temporary home. Pray for many home offers, -10 C here . Thanks
  11. tolstuhu

    poor pet needing home.

    please pray for poor American Staffy dog 13 y. who lost his owner to get adopted and get out of the shdlter V. Pray for the information to be spread on social networks and in the town. Thanks
  12. tolstuhu

    pet needing a safe shelter

    Please, pray that one of the relatives & friends give a safe home for the poor cat Moris whose owner passed away last night. Daughter of owner wants to bring pet to the shelter, but pet will be euthanased there Only a short time left. Thank you
  13. tolstuhu

    Please pray fpets lost their owner

    Please pray for 2 cats left alone in the empty apartment after the death of the owner, to get a new safe shelter. Pray for many home offers. Thank you
  14. tolstuhu

    cats who lost their owner need a safe shelter

    please pray for 2 cats 10 and 3 y.old who lost their owner, to get a safe shelter. Owner relative wants to euthanase there pets. Only a short time left. Pray for many home offers for these pets and for the request to be spread on social networks. thanks
  15. tolstuhu

    charity society needs financial help

    Please, pray for the pet charity society Liberta to collect 11,000 USD for the heating system, otherwise the pets will freeze. Pray for help with money, building materials and work.. Pray that the request spreads on social networks and in the city and for a successful charity campaign. Thank you
  16. tolstuhu

    charity needs financial support

    Please pray for the charity society "Animals helpers" to receive donations of at least USD 7000 to pay the debts to the veterinary clinics and feed 80 pets, otherwise the society will end its activity. Pray that many people and companies donate. Pray that this request will be shared on social...
  17. tolstuhu

    financial problems of charity

    Please pray for the charity society DSOS to receive many financial donations to help abandoned cats. Account is empty, need to collect at least $3000, because food and medicine cost a lot. Pray that the request will spread on social media. Thank you
  18. tolstuhu

    Pet needs a new home

    Please pray for the poor dog 3 years old. The owner will move to an apartment and the dog cannot be taken there, pray that responsible people give her a home and save the dog from euthanasia. Short time left, thank you
  19. tolstuhu

    pray for pets pets whose owner is sick

    Please pray that the charity M. successfully find a safe shelter for 2 cats, 8 and 13 years old, who are left alone because the owner is very sick. Pray that many people will calla ndoffer to help. Little time, cats can be killed. .. Thanks
  20. tolstuhu

    pet in rain and cold asking for help

    Please pray for good people and charities give a warm temporary home to the poor cat. sitting in the cold and rain and asking for help. There is no place to crawl in and take shelter from the cold and the snow, she can die in the winter. Pray for many home offers and for information to be spread...
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