Please pray for a poor dog 11 years old, she was adopted, but the new owners refused her, and the unfortunate dog is in the shelter again. Pray for her to get a new home forever, here or abroad. Thank you
Please pray for protected birds. Pray for the tern colony to find a new safe place to nest always, forever. The current site is under construction, they will have nowhere to stay. Thank you
Please pray for me and my mother to always have a warm home for us and our pets, enough money to pay bills and taxes, and to donate, and to be protected by law from bad, greedy relatives. Pray also for me to have a good, generous man who will take care of me. Thank you.
Please pray for there pets: for poor blackwhite cat sitting in the wind and rain asking for food and help, for a dog 10 years old at risk of euthanasia. Pray for these pets to get a safe, warm home! Thanks
Please pray for 7 homeless cats, cared for by an old woman with major health problems. She needs help with food and money. And other volunteers are needed. to feed the cats and find them a home. Pray for it! Thank you
Please pray for a poor dog 11 years old. The owner can no longer take care of her due to her health. Change and uncertainty again - What will happen to her, what fate awaits? Pray for her to be adopted forever! Thank you
Please pray for the cats left in a closed factory to be protected and fed. . Pray for the success of the volunteers in finding homes and owners for these cats. . Thank you
Please say your prayer about 2 poor cats. - for the cat who was simply left when his owner moved to another area. in winter he will not survive on the street.
For other cat in summer cottage village, He feels the approach of winter and desperately tries to enter every open door, hoping that...
0lease pray for a charity to receive money donations and home offers for 28 rescued cats,
about 3 kittens to be saved from hunger and frost,
for 2 kittens to be rescued from euthanasia. Thank you.
Please pray for 2 cats that live in the open air and are very much looking forward to lovely people who would give him shelter and a warm home. Pray for them to be adopted very soon! thanks
Please say one else prayer about pets. Pray for homeless cats to be protected from animal catchers for the next 3 days, as cats will be killed. Also pray for a safe home for a cat that has been scalded. Thanks
Please say your prayer about pets in danger. They very need a safe home, or they can die.. 1. Old stripped cat, 2.Three coloured cat, 3. Gray white cat..4. Stripped cat, 5. Black cat., Pray for them to get out of dangerous place and get adopted very soon! Thanks
please pray for 2 poor cats who came back to the street. Beautiful, cute, cats, they themselves try to find a home, desperately trying to enter through the door of the houses. For now in vain ... It's so sad! Winter is coming and they are homeless. Pray for them to get a help and warm home very...
Please pray for pet charity. It asked for support to pay the bills for the month of July, but people donated very little, still missing $ 850. Pray for them to receive all the necessary amount, homeless pets desperately need help! Thank you
Please pray for four poor cats in the shelter that can be euthanized and for one cat in the forest where he can be eaten by a fox. They very need a home. Pray for them to be saved and adopted very soon! Thank you