Please please pray for 3 poor pets - a tricolor cat that is very friendly, and gingerwhite cat and a small dog that have lost their owner. There is very little time, this shelter euthanizes the animals, so pray for them to be rescued from this shelter and be adopted very soon. Thank you
Please pray for the beloved cat that lives in the market, she freezes and desperately needs a home, for 2 cats in animal charity that needs a home on a farm. Pray for them to be adopted! Thank you
Please pray for 2 poor cats to get a new home - a Devon Rex cat whose owners old and very sick, for a white cat whose owner passed away. Pray for these pets to get adopted very soon! Thanks
Please pray for a young woman, she is a single mother to a 10-year-old child and has lost her job due to a pandemic. Pray for her help and get a job ' very soon to be able to pay the rent and feed the child. thanks
Please please pray for animal charity P.D. to collect donations during this difficult pandemic. to be able to pay all debts. There will be new bills again soon, because so many other animals need help. Thank you
Please say your prayer about a poor striped cat 7 years old.. His owner just died and the cat will be thrown out of the flat after some days. . Pray for him to get help and a new home. Thank you
Please please pray for pigeons and sparrows in Central Station Square to get food every day. Pray for the people to feed them regularly during this pandemic, or they can die of hunger. Thanks
Please pray for pet charity to get a several home offers for a poor cat who has lost its owner and is left alone in an empty house. Pray for her to get adopted! Thank you
Please pray for pet charities L. and A. to raise money to pay off debts in this difficult pandemic at a time when donors have become fewer. So many pets need help. thanks