Please pray for a community of animal friends to successfully solve the problem of a safe home for 2 poor pets that no longer have owners. Cat 5 years, dog 14 years. There is only a short time left, the shelter can euthanize them. thanks
Please pray for the old gray white cat that is sitting at the house and asking for help and food to get adopted very soon. Pray for several home offers Thank you
Please pray for a community of friends to solve the problem with new home for 2 poor gray cats whose owner is too old and sick to take care of them. Pray forpets to get adopted very soon. Thank you
Please pray for the adoption, safety and security of the 3 poor pets who have lost their owners and homes and are now trapped in the shelter. They can be euthanized in the shelter after a short time. Old dog Mista, cats Peach and Pika. Thank you
Please pray for the charity to raise $ 600 to pay off the veterinary drug debt. Also, pray that the poor freezing cat to get a help and a warm shelter. Thanks
Please please pray to succeed in collecting enough money for a poor animal charity VK to give poor cats a better meal at Christmas. There are few donors, pray for many people to donate money. Thank you
Please pray for a poor dog 10 years old. His owner burned in a fire, but the dog is waiting in the shelter aviary . Pray for home offers and for pet to get adopted very soon. Thank you
Please pray for an animal shelter K. to get sponsors to build a safe heating system. Pray for the shelter to be protected by law from bad bureaucracy. Thank you
Please pray for the cat to get home. In the summer thrown on the street with her entire crib. People are feeding, but winter is coming, the cold ... Right now from the rain, the wind is hiding under the cars thank you
please can you pray for poor ginger cat to get a safe home. He was adopted but owners abandoned him on the street. Also 2 kittens very need a home. Thanks