i jsut wish to be free form my own life. its so hard Lor dhelp me i cant hekp mylesf pelas epleas ei beg you. ijsut ned help. why wont help me. why do i have so extreme challanges. i jsut cna tdo this anymore. Lor dhwer eare oyu i cant od this. opeklas epelas ehelp me tody somehow. i hate haivng...
aloen lor di knwo vianis
dleive rhim form smokign
healthy strong baby boy nephew
high blood sugar blood pressure
lor dhwer
love ge tmarrie
mom ehale dof
small bowel obstruction syndrome
ygrandm aheale dof demntia
Hi im 26 years old and im sad , i have a reason for being sad, so () im having a big problem , this may some absurd but i have a 12 cm penis and im so insecure and i dont want to talk to girls because i have a fear in my mind, im lucky because i have a home food legs, arms evrything but i didnt...
askign that God healis mymom form asperger syndorm eand helas me form cassandra syndorme. while i hav eno faiht for this maybe someen out there does also praying for all who have aspergers ot be healed and al thos eiwht cyssandra syndorm eot beheale.d i vfeel like i hav enoself esteem and feel...
Lor dpelase eb wiht mymom and the dentist pelase odnt lalow dentist to make mistma eor be mena ot mymom. epelas eLor dsurorund mymom with oyur lovign holy angels at lal tiem asnd the dneits too my grnamd dad also andall who need oyur helaign and salvaiton. guid emewiht oyu rholy spirit as well...
Priase report: forst off iw oudl liekt ot hank God for all the mriacle she has been doign in or lvies. grandma seems ot have giane dosme weight oprais egod i also have recieved helaign of boens and felsh . I ask God to hela my mom today sheedd spracyers protect she is ignt he the denits.t aksign...
pleas erpay for me ot b free form my abuser. i cannot take car eof myself ( illness diabetes adn my grandm abedridden for year.s the perosn who doe shti shas asperger syndorme. ic ant handle beign yelled at all day every da.y ineed break at leas toen da.y pelas eLor dmake them stop everyda yi...
parent neds healing from aspergers nd i need healing from cassandra syndrome. ifeel resentful and depresed hopeless and aone. my grandma needs healing from dementia ineed healing . Lod please send osmeon into my life who can show me empathy. ifeel like i never matte rnd it make sme angry. i jsut...
agfight pleas epray
angry bitte rperosnand
cassandra syndrome
corona phobia germ phobia szil nk phobia
depressed lord
different life ilor
fmaiyl odnt
hard time
ylittle thing
Hi all of you! My name is Aaron im 26 years old single! I never had a true girlfriend but i really want , im single right now but i dont want to be alone forever, i ask you if you read this thread to pray for me to find the best person for me who will marry me
Lord thank oyu os much ro healign my jaw and teeth yesterday for putting myxjaw lowerign it so it smor eocmfortable. thnak oyu and please hal all who need healign in their teeth and jaws. pleas ehealmy broekn teeth please hela mymoms mouth and heal her form the amalgam filligns please...
I would ask prayers for her, because I know Jesus is the only way that I could help her. Her name is Patrícia. I love her so much but I guess she doesn’t love herself the healthy way and she put boys above family at this point. She had multiply boyfriends, shamelessly kissed in school. She even...
im vwery afriad to lvie iwhtmy mom who has asperger syndorme. bu ican tleave becua sie need to car eof rmy grandma. she abuses my alldy every day. ic ant leav eim in foeign country and no body help em im exhauste dmy grandma ver yill for year.s my mom yells at me all the item im scared pleas iem...
asperger syndrome
assistance dotn knwo
driane ic ant
foreign country
health issues
ican tleave becua sie
itme formsef
pleas iem almsot
strsse di
i ask God ot please help my moms top tlakign now.i cant handle anymore stress. she enver let me rest, its too much Lord giv eher wisdom. when to talk or not talk. i need rest. tlak to her tell her stop talkign i need rrest also my grandm is VERy ill and ic ant handle mym oms asperger behavior...
Praise reprot: befor ei was praying and the Lor dbrought healign to my teeth gums boens sacial bones. Praise to the Holy name of our redemeemer oru Lord Jesus Christ . I plead your hOly blood upon my grandm aurgently pelase pray her blod rpressur eis good and she DOES NOT HAVE a heart...
clear communication small bowel blockage
eplaeplase vigemy grandm ath miracle
forgiv emy sisn
grandma jesus schirst lor
hell satan death
high blood pressure extreme pain
high blood pressure pleas
high bloso ressurelor
small bowel obstruction syndrome
Praise report: thnak you Lrod of rmy grandma showred signs of movement and she said soem words!! thnak yu somcuh best improvement after many years thnak yu pelas eocntiue to heal her and dleive rhee rform dmentia and allucnlena spirit sgiv ehr storgn dseire to liv enad help em wiht caregiivng...
Lor dplease heal me of my health problems and heal my grandma too. Lor id feel alone. pleas heelp em wiht my life. pleas ie nebg oyu Lord Jeus Chirst i beg oyu. pelas eplea spelase.
aksing God for hope in healign my mom of asperger syndorme and ( possibly brother if he ha sit) and also me and my dad need healign emotionally. i also nee dhelaign form type one diabetes caused by not beign desired. that swha tithink. ipray God send me my One flehs hsuabdn joined by His Holy...
asperger syndrome
aspergers sydnrome
dhelaign form
emerc oyn
holy spirit
kind fo communication
one diabetes
one flesh husband
rsiste rn law
askign God for fmaiyl healign salvaiton adn help with cairng for my grandma.Lor dpelas ehal my mom of asperger syndorme. heal my fmaiyl and heal B as well give all of us healign of teeht and healign giv emy dad stbale insulin and please hela my grandma form dmentia. please do all ynoru power ot...
please pray that my siste rin law is comforted for her dads mum ha spassed. pelas epray fo rher salvation. pleas epray for her salvation fmaiyl slavaiton fmaiyl cofmort and may they knwo that oyu Lord Jeus Chirst are the ressurection adn everlasitng covenan ti and in your blood thieris forgivnes...
alchahul pelase eliver
asperger syndrome lor
depression loneliness cassandra syndrome
dgiv ehim pelnty
mental illness dleive rem
salvation family salvation family comfort
salvation lor dim
sil nk phobia
uncles heart adn
Lord i nee dhelp pleas ehelpme ive struggled wiht my health and wiht peopelw and thigns for so logn i need help today. sav eme i ebg Lord Jeus Chirs ti ebg you help me pleas epelapelase. i cant handle with hell. pelase wher eyr eyou help me please where are oyu help me pleas epelapelapsel