country: hungary

  1. Jesussaves89

    ase hal my bod ymy vision my ...

    ase hal my bod ymy vision my eyes teeht. pelase take me away ofrm my mother. pelase no mroe bause. pelase n mroe abuse pleas eproivede me my own little hom please 1 bedroom one bathroon thats it pleas epleas eprovid emye a liitle safe hoem of my on one bedroon one bathroonplease lord please...
  2. Jesussaves89

    Lord pelase help i beg you if ...

    Lord pelase help i beg you if there is anyhtign oyu can do to help or bless my fmaily please too weak to work so hard pelas ehelp ineed rest andjoy . pleas ease my suffeirgn i beg you make soemhtign a littler easier please guid eme to wher emy mothers documents are .pleas ehelp im so...
  3. Jesussaves89

    pleas epray for me my mothe ris ...

    pleas epray for me my mothe ris ver yabusive all day eevry dayi cant go cuas ie take car eof my grandm ai am foreign coutnry my mom is autistic i cry so hurt so deeply. pelas epray that the Lor dprovide a way fo rme to leav ehe rhome. PLEASE LROD I CANT HANDLE HER ABUSE ANYMOR IE AM EVRY ILL...
  4. Jesussaves89

    askign for prayer sfor healign for my ...

    askign for prayer sfor healign for my whole fmaiyl and salvaion.i need more strength for carign and cleanign Lrod pelas ehlp me. pleas ehelp me dfind my moms id cad and feed my grandma.i feel lonelyif you cann help em feel elss lonely id be grateful.pelas egiv em me mroe lov ein my lfi ekeep...
  5. Jesussaves89

    Lrod please send ehlp. i please giv ...

    Lrod please send ehlp. i please giv eme my own husband someoen who is in my life and cares aboutme and rewally is there to help. pelase Lor d. pleass end alw ho need a spouse a spouse form oyur heart Lor dplease. alsoheal my fmaily and give salvation provide amobile bed formy grandma and...
  6. Jesussaves89

    Praise report: i thnak oyu lord Jesus ...

    Praise report: i thnak oyu lord Jesus Christ for giving me healign of my eyes last night when i went into his presence in prayer. thnak you lord jeus chirst for neve relaivng me or forsakign me. for alway sbeign wiht us. lord thnak you fo rmy life anothe ay to live. help me make the mos tof it i...
  7. Aeldrail


    Some people know what I ask prayers for... For my crush whos having hard life with stress and war related ptsd from the past.. Friend of mine told me she's about to enlist herself again, and wants to go to the front lines again while she's already having mental health issues. Pray for that God...
  8. Jesussaves89

    askign Gof ro his forgivness of my ...

    askign God for his forgivness of my sins an dhealign of my body and saivng me and healignmy fmaily in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord take my family out of hopleslessnes giv eus wisodm lvoe and power love osudn mind pour your Holy spiritonuslikeneve rbefore guide us wiht oyur eye. dleive...
  9. Jesussaves89

    Pleas eLor ddo all in yur powe ...

    Pleas eLor ddo all in yur powe ros i am not lonely tonight i am so lonely i odnt wnt ot be lonley im not motivated anmore why do always ahve to be loenely
  10. Jesussaves89

    ppleas epray for my dad shelaign of ...

    ppleas epray for my dad shelaign of heart valve and so he has plenty of oxygen also helaign for my grandmas heart and she has planty of oxygen healign of severe malnutrtion diabete sinsipidus and infection and strep and demntia and vitimin devificiency hernia curvatur eof spine highblood suga...
  11. Jesussaves89

    askign the Lord Jeus Chirs to give ...

    askign the Lord Jeus Chirs to give me a miracle souse. someoen who loves the Lord and would truly love me and we would have ahppy logn lif togther. im 34 and im tire dof waiting . im tired of waiting. my life has passe dme by. im nto perfect btu why would God giv eme this desire and nto brign it...
  12. Jesussaves89

    ppleas epray for my dad shelaign of ...

    ppleas epray for my dad shelaign of heart valve and so he has plenty of oxygen also helaign for my grandmas heart and she has planty of oxygen healign of severe malnutrtion diabete sinsipidus and infection and strep and demntia and vitimin devificiency hernia curvatur eof spine highblood suga...
  13. Jesussaves89

    praie report: thank you Lord Jesus Chirst ...

    praise report: thank you Lord Jesus Christ for marrying me and us the church thank oyufor never leavign us or forsakign us thank you for my life and family adn this day! thanky ou formiralce runign water today ( they were to shut it totally downbut you gaveus waetr anyway! thank you forthis...
  14. Jesussaves89


  15. Aeldrail

    Please pray for my crush that she ...

    Please pray for my crush that she makes good decision, that she's safe and that later she will forgive me for my mistakes I did, and that she later giving me a chance to be her partner in love and life in the future, but first I have to be friends with her again 🙏 I have good feelings about...
  16. Jesussaves89

    praise rewprot: thanyk you Lord for hralign ...

    praise rewprot: thanyk you Lord for hralign of ym jaw teeth and facial bens thank yo u Lord Jesus Chirst for healign for my grandma. please Lord heal my dads heart valve pleas eprolognue his life please please giv ehim ehaligninhis heart nd also f ym granduncle heal his heart.Lor dplease pelas...
  17. Jesussaves89

    prasie report: Lord thank you for your ...

    prasie report: Lord thank you for your Holy spirit thanky ou for healign in y jaw teeth eye facial boen sjaws. please forgive my sisn. please heal my grandams scalp kin skul. body.heal her form dementia. pelase gvi her healign in very way heal her form small bowel obstruction syndroem.pelase...
  18. Jesussaves89

    Praise report: thank you Lord Jeus Christ ...

    Praise report: thank you Lord Jeus Christ for healign my teeth skull teeth puttign all my facialboen sinto place thank you Lord for helaign the astigmatism in my eyes ( had severe stigmatism) praise the Lord He is So Good! He can do all things! pelas epray my grandm ais heale dof dementi...
  19. Glastarold

    Please pray for a good offer on ...

    Please pray for a good offer on our condo so we can move to another state. The housing market is so slow and we have many competitors. Thank you!
  20. Jesussaves89

    pelas epra yth Lor dheal mye of ...

    pelas epra yth Lor dheal mye of type diabetes periphera vision to be restored no damage due ot highblos suagr healed teeth feformed feet and helaign for my grandma dleivr form type one diabetes. Lor dpelase provid eme a lovign hsuband who is a joy to be wiht soemoen who i love can trust and vice...
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