country: hong kong

  1. Dothlash

    I am facing 3 problems in my ...

    I am facing 3 problems in my life. 1. my doctor told me that I have an abnormal cyst in my ovary and I need to take it out. So he went ahead and schedule my surgery next week. I hope it's just a benign little thing. May God grant my doctor wisdom to take care of it. 2. I am struggling with my...
  2. Miranda T

    Cervical spine alignment and healing of brain stem and vision

    Pray for mercy from God, that my cervical spine injury be healed and all the disc be aligned without compression at the brain stem, without causing double visions and blurry vision, my optical nerve n brain stem be healed in Jesus' name. Amen!
  3. Miranda T

    Healing and money to pay rent

    I am living in Hong Kong and recently the rent here is $3-4K more than three months ago but I have to move house now due to the mold in the house and I got autoimmune disease with joints inflamed and doubled vision since living here, I think it is a must to move out, but I donno how to pay the...
  4. Miranda T

    Healing of right foot

    My right foot was hit by someone's mobile phone dropped on my foot when I was in the train. Pray for healing of tingling and numbness of my right foot. All bones, nerve and foot structure be aligned with each other and healed. In Jesus' name. Amen!
  5. Miranda T

    Healing - Right Breast Pain and pelvis misalignment, right SI joint inflammation

    Pray for healing of joints and bones alignment from head to toes. Healing of pulled muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints injury. Pray for healing of joint bone marrow of right sacroilliac joint. Pray that God will create a new joint shape, the joint will not slip forward backward and...
  6. Miranda T

    Healing - Right Chest Pain and right sacroilliac joint inflammation

    Pray for healing of right chest/breast pain. Ultrasound shows no problem but cannot explain the buring pain, especially when get up from the bed and turning my body. Pray that God will have mercy on me with supernatural healng that the chest pain will be completely gone and never come back! Pray...
  7. Miranda T

    Healing - Autoimmune, right breast pain and double vision

    Pray that God will strengthen my faith in Him. Pray that God will heal my right breast pain. He will give me strength and hope n friends in Christ to go through life together. Pray that God heal all systems in my body nerve system detox system autoimmue system. Pray that God will confirm my...
  8. Miranda T

    Pray for healing - Right Breast pain

    Pray that God heals my right breast pain and bring peace into my heart. Pray that the ultrasound report will be peaceful and no problem. Pray that God heals my autoimmunity system no attacking bone, ligaments, tendons, soft tissues
  9. Miranda T

    Healing - Chest Pain on Right

    Pls pray for me, I got chest pain on my right for several days. Gonna see Dr in Central at 3pm, pls pray for me that God heals me, no problems with my lungs, bones and breast. Thx
  10. Miranda T

    Healing of Right Breast Pain, right dr to see tomorrow

    Pray for healing for sudden right chest/breast pain, all the pain is gone and no more return in Jesus' name. By Jesus' stripe, I am healed. Pray that all the bone and soft tissues and lung heart be healed in Jesus' name. Pray that God will lead me on which dr to see tomorrow for the breast pain...
  11. Miranda T

    Healing - Dr Consultation and MRI scans

    Pray that God will direct me to the correct treatment and Drs to treat the problem of double vision which happen after a neck manipulation by another Dr. Pray that God will guide me on which doctors to see and which lab to do the brain MRAs to rule out something serious. Pray that there will be...
  12. Miranda T

    Home Search and Healing of Joints and Eczema and nasal allergies

    Pray for protection of my health from the toxic and pollution in the current home. Pray for able to move out from my current place before the construction of pipes started and before the blocking the street so that the mover can park the car downstair and move all my belonging to the new place...
  13. Miranda T

    Healing of alignment of upper cervical spine, TMJ and no more dizziness and double vision

    In Jesus' name. I command my cervical spine, skull, TMJ be aligned back to correct alignment and no more dizziness and double vision. My brain stem has no compression and no inflammation, all messages being sent to the brain through the brain stem and from the brain to all part of the body...
  14. Miranda T

    Pray my ex-employer pay all my salary and reimbursement

    Pray that God will change the heart of the HR team and payroll team of my ex-employer that they will act as they have promised to pay me the one month severance payment and also outstanding mobile reimbursement fee. Pray that they will pay all by 20 Jun and I will not have to travel to the...
  15. Ludwig

    Dear Heavenly Father, please heal Miranda’s sprain ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, please heal Miranda’s sprain left ankle instantly and completely. So she can walk tomorrow. Also, heal her body so that she doesn’t have any pain more, she suffer a long back pain for a long time, and please help her, strength her body and soul miraculously, I humbly pray...
  16. Miranda T

    Make good use of time and healing

    I was fired by my ex employer with a medical condition. Pray that God will remove the HLAB27 Gene from me and restore my health. Pray that God will adjust my autoimmune system not to attack myself. Pray that God will bless my bone and joints to recover and be healthy. My right sacroiliac joint...
  17. Miranda T

    Need help n a home

    Pray that God has mercy on me, my whole family has gone and they treated me very badly. Pray that my autoimmune system will get healed by Jesus and normal, not attacking joints and sacroilliac joints are healed no more bone marrow edema, all joints are healed. I will need a new place...
  18. Miranda T

    New Home and financial supply

    Pray for a miracle that firstly my joint pain and right Sacroiliac joint bone marrow edema be healed in Jesus' name. Secondly, pray for a new home (same or cheaper than now) be available with everything I need that my health and sleep can be restored and avoid all the mold, toxic and second...
  19. Miranda T

    Healing of double vision, dizziness and fatigue + upper cervical spine alignment

    Pray that blood of Jesus cover me, Ludwig, Fai and Iris and my daddy and God will heals our health issues and also grant us peace and strength and life each day and enjoy our lives. Especially pray that God heals me from any autoimmunity disorder in my body, pray for alignment of upper...
  20. Miranda T

    Healing of left ear

    I experienced decrease of body weight of 10kg in two months, recently noticed echo at my left ear and eye pain, pray that God has mercy on me, adjust my white blood cell DNA that my immunity will return to normal not attacking my body with inflammation. Pray for special favor from Dr. YAU and...
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