Dear Heavenly Father, I feel very lonely, if You can, please send someone who is willing to listen to me. Please also soften my heart so that I can listen Your voice and follow You without question ask. I will devote my life to You. I pray and please prepare my future wife, so that I can have a...
Pray for sacrum, hip joints, SI joints alignment with lower back joints being aligned, no more bone fractures and bone marrow edema, Tarlov cycts at S1 disappear in Jesus' name. Amen!
Pray for supernatural strength, wisdom, discernment and focus in finishing reading the whole bible cover to cover, understand the sins of men, heart of God and will of God, may this commitment be life transforming to me. May God move me out of all past hurts and traumas, bring me from darkness...
Pray that God will change and soften the hearts of my mother, father, my brother Devin and my sister Iris to accept Jesus Christ be his Lord and Saviour. Pray that God will break their rocken hearts and forgive them for their pride and worshipping other gods sinning against the God of Ahbraham...
I need prayer for healing from infidelity. My husband cheated on me and believes he fathered a child from that union. I believe the child is not his and would want the truth to come out before the end of this year in a way that is favorable to me.
Pray that God will stop the abusive and manipulation attitudes from my parents, pray that darkness in the family will leave and fill up with light of God. Pray that God will intervene and bring positive changes. No more gaslighting and narc behavior. In Jesus' name. Amen!
Pray that God will save me and my sister Iris from very toxic relationship from ungodly relationships with men, parents and people we meet and work or live everyday. Pray that God will expose the hidden darkness to us and give us wisdom to decline ungodly relationship, repent of it, walk out of...
I feel like not to continue my life, too many unresolved pain physically and mentally, I don't know if I will be ending up in heaven or not but I think I hv tried my best, do a lot, can't see outcome, no one remember
Pray that God will renew my inner man from inside out that I will no longer being hindered and trapped emotionally, financially and physically with disease due to a long time period of emotional n physical abuses from my bloodline mother, even a sister who claimed to be a Christian but seldom...
bloodline mother
emotional n physical abuses
endless words
inner man
long time period
new human being
non christian man
phone calls
physical strength
I need help on physical healing, emotional and financial supports, safe people to talk with and with proper rest and eight hours of good night sleep from 10pm for healing. I hope God will finally listen and answer my prayers. I cannot find anyone safe to talk. Thanks for praying
Pray for angelic protection and blood of Jesus covering me. I am very tired, unrest and cannot sleep . Pray that God will make me hv peaceful sleep without nightmares. In Jesus' name. Amen!
My son is going to have an interview in 5 minutes. May your Holy Spirit be with him, grant him wisdom, and guide him along the way. May I lift him up to you, dear Father. May I pray in the precious name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
Hi bros and sis, I could really use a miracle now. My sciatica is hurting me like crazy and I can’t even walk for more than 1 min. My doctor said it’s only a Grade 1 bulging disc, normally it would resolve on its own. But because of how degenerated my disc is, it’s a bit hard to say. God please...
I am going to hv an interview with a company which just dismissed lots of employees as per the news. This is a 6 month contract. Pray that God will give me peace, courage and strength, wisdom, good communication skills to speak in English, also help me to find favour from the interviewers.
6 month contract
expensive medical costs
good communication skills
good medical insurance
good time
hard flat chair
pelvis pain
pelvis stress fractures
precious name amen
I need a miracle for my sciatica. God, I know every time you give me a challenge, you want me to learn something. I am sorry that I let you down, I really can’t do this anymore. The excruciating pain I am experiencing is no joke and I really cannot live my days properly. I am willing to change...
Pray for speedy healing of bone fractures at my pelvis, God will give me strength, wisdom and discipline to manage my life and effectively using the time and resources from Him. Pray that I will be able to sit again without pain and pelvis misalignment. Pray that I can lay down but still read my...
Pray that God heals my sacrum and illiac fractures, bone marrow edema and right SI joint injury. All bones be healed in Jesus' name. All ligaments, tendons, mucles and nerves be healed. Right SI joint injury and joint becomes healthy normal shape. In Jesus' name. Amen!
Pray that all inflammation will be put into total remission, all pain gone in Jesus' name. All pelvis, SI joint, hip joint, pubic bone are healed n aligned all bone marrow edema is healed in Jesus' name. Autoimmune will be able to recognise own cells n bacteria correctly not attacking myself. In...
Dear Heavenly Father, I put everything in Your hands, my family, my friends, my finance, and my health. Also, I put my fears, my worries, my unforgiveness and my fatigue and hatred. You are the only One I can trust and I put my life on Your hands, thank you for carrying my burdens. Please change...