Please pray for me so that I can get this job. I attended interviews which was good Now I have to record a script as if I'm speaking to someone on the phone I'm having a lot of problems doing so I had to do it over many times and still I dont have it right. I really nees this job and this may be...
It's a blessing to hear from you everyday I want help to pray for husband Laurie Buddy ,he has turned away from God ,back to his fornication and adulterous life. Please help me to pray him back to God ,and give me patience while I wait. He also has a lieing toung.
Lord your word says by your sons's stripes we are healed. The act of calvary s Cross was to bear our sicknesses and diseases. I declare in faith that that act is for all human past and present. I declare all generational curses and sins are removed from my body in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord I pray for every soul that is seeking you right now. I lift you up and give you the glory and honor due to your matchless name. There is none like you and none can compare to you. You and you alone are God holy and righteous.bLors your word declares from the rising of the sun to the going...
Dear God I pray that you raise me up to be a testimony to others. I pray you give me a desire to win souls for your kingdom. Help me to seek you daily Heal my friends and loved ones from their sicknesses and diseases. Heal me from my infirmities and diseases May I find comfort in knowing you and...
Dear God I pray that you raise me up to be a testimony to others. I pray you give me a desire to win souls for your kingdom. Help me to seek you daily Heal my friends and loved ones from their sicknesses and diseases. Heal me from my infirmities and diseases May I find comfort in knowing you and...
To be filled with the annointing To be healed of my diseases To be a warrior for God That my cousin will be saved That my friend Chris will be healed from his diseases To be financially blessed