Please kindly pray for J who is feeling stressed and nervous as he has 2 days of school examination on Monday and Tuesday! He has had difficulty at school and he tried to make effort to work more lately, but his teachers and family are concerned about him. May God work a miracle by blessing this...
Giving Thanks to God and praying that He will turn an attentive ear to our prayer requests for healing and provision, and bless us with adequate answers to meet each need. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would so appreciate your much valued prayers for today's admin office appointment; may it go well and smoothly. In Jesus Name. Amen.Thanks and Blessings!
Today for the first time my wife attended church program with me. She is new believer's. Praise God for this special day and pray for our home let holy spirit dominate her life from now and forever to live with Jesus Christ.
God bless you Dear Prayer Warriors! May M and his parents be coming back, may they call today with rejoicing news. May C and S be encouraged, and F as well. Praying for any bitterness to go away and be replaced by God's tender love. For J to call for extra help now. May all students do well and...
Precious Lord, please may these contacts be in touch promptly and may we see Your Hand at work in all these situations committed to You, trusting in Your Divine mighty intervention and Your Heavenly care for each.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, please kindly and urgently uplift little M, a the school has sent him to a speech therapist today, and his parents are preocupied and upset. May M not need any further speech therapy session, and may the Lord intervene favorably in his life and family situation!! May I...
1. Lord I pray for your speedy recovery upon my health and you provide the finances to settle the bills. 2. I pray for your divine upliftment upon my family and you rewrite our story. 3. I pray you disappoint the agenda and expectations of the enemies towards my sister Chinwe and her marriage...
Dear Brothers and Sisters, please kindly and urgently uplift little M, a the school has sent him to a speech therapist today, and his parents are preocupied and upset. May M not need any further speech therapy session, and may the Lord intervene favorably in his life and family situation!! May...
Dearest Lord Almighty! Please heal and comfort my soul and broken heart, I fnd it hard to walk along childless. Please show me Your will and favor: have mercy!
I please need your prayers for new energy, unwell after a sleepless night, prayers in order to go ahead with today's commitments, with a clear mind, alertness and the ability to concentrate... and hopefully to sleep much better tonight! May God bless and help! May upcomig appointments be...
Dear Brothers and Sisters, would you please kindly pray for today's appointments to go well; I rely on the Lord, and ask for His Help and Favor!! May God especially grant me new strength, wisdom and leading. In Jesus Name. Amen. Thanks and Blessings.