Father I pray protection over her today. Keep her clear from old habits and alcohol. Let people of faith find her and preach to her. Lead her into full knowledge of Christ and remove all hinderance of the enemy. Destroy and nullify all the plans of the devil and glorify yourself in her life...
Very soon I will be called to operating table. Long wait is soon over. Praying for good succesfull surgery and speedy recovery after. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Going to my hernia surgery today. Feeling anxious. Father keep me protected and safe. Give the operating doctors wisdom and skill to do this good. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Strong spiritual warfare going on. In Jesus name and blood I ask protection around my whole family, friends and fellow believers. In Jesus name and blood I make all the plans and devices of the enemy useless and vain. I nullify all the plans of the enemy in Jesus name and blood. For my hernia...
Strong spiritual warfare going on. In Jesus name and blood I ask protection around my whole family, friends and fellow believers. In Jesus name and blood I make all the plans and devices of the enemy useless and vain. I nullify all the plans of the enemy in Jesus name and blood. For my hernia...
Father protect her today and this coming nigth from all evil influence. In Jesus name and blood I bind, rebuke and cast out Jezebel spirit and block all evil plans and schemes. In Jesus name and blood she and our relationship is covered whit blood of Jesus. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Pray for abannonment feeling. And my black heart. Pray that Jesus liberate more faster from spirit world. I don't want go my brother s daughter wedding lunch. Because abannonment feeling
Kiireellinen rukouspyyntö: Rakas Jumala, auta Menachemia, joka menee oikeuteen su 4.2. vain koska hän twiittasi: kuuluisan naisen tulee joutua vankilaan valheista, kun hän hyökkäsi aggressiivisesti rakastaa pääministeri Netanjahua vastaan. M on älykäs syvästi tunteva mies, hän auttaa aina muita...
Pray for me . I have so difficult time period right now. It's difficult to see solution for these problems. I need healing also for inner wounds. I m too tired for this situation.
My cousins wife is at hospital due depression and other mental aflictions. Pmease lead her to know Christ father. And help her to fond a solace in her pain. Also bless and quide my fiance too. Lead them both to know Christ. In Jesus name and blood I pray amen.
Our bunny Ruba was in castration on Thursday. 4 days should give pain medicine. But yesterday he didn't take medicine and not today. It's very difficult to give medicine. Pray for this that he take medicine well or Jesus heals Ruba totally.
I ask for your prayers so that I may find understanding and peace in God. That I may finally let go of the intense hurt and resentment related to a broken relationship, and that I may trust my life fully into His sovereign hands, leaving behind the concept of a relationship as an idol. That God...
Please Jesus help! My husband has moved out in a heat of a moment and Devil has him on a wrong path! Please Jesus bring my husband home with a new heart soon! Deliver him from the world. Soften his heart again. Bless our marriage!
Can you pray for our bunny Ruba. He goes castration tomorrow. I am also worried because he is not eating much hay. Please pray for safety surgery and angels protect this little bunny boy.