My Name is Anthony Ndem Ebei I am living in Dominican republic, i was arrested and implicated for what i did not do..i have been here for 2months now ,I am using this opportunity to ask for God Mercy in my Life..I need your prayers for God to perfect his work on me I can give Testimony at...
Thank you Jesus .DILENNIA MEDINA is really recovering from her sickness .I thank God for using this Forum to heal Dilienia MEDINA. GOD IS GOOD.I am asking God to set me free physically .Amen
Thank you Jesus .I want to say a big Amen to God Almight A Big Amen to the worthy worthy Man Of God Emmanuel, God is with Us..also a Big Amen to the Prayer Group and finally a big Amen for my self for what The Lord has done and be doing for me ..Thank you Jesus and physically set me free as you...
Thank you Jesus.Prayer for FLORENE MARSHELL she lost her Grandson on Saturday and her Goddaughter also the same day. She ask for a prayer in her behalf .God of heaven and earth who gives and take should interseed on the life of FLORENE MARSHELL.that God should give her the Grace to be able to go...
Thank you Jesus,DILENNIA MEDINA refuse taken medicine .Praise thy Lord she sound very healthy I am still praying that she finally get well and tested that she is fully ill. PRAISE THE LORD.PLEASE PRAY FOR ME I WANT MY CASE TO BE PUT TO END IJN.
Thank you Jesus.Lord I ask for your Devine mercy upon DILENNIA MEDINA .intervain on her Health she need your Healing as you have promise.I pray with the power of God Almighty that she should be deliver from all types of sickness and diseases In the Mighty Name of Jesus the end we shall come...
Thank you Jesus,Please Pray Again for Dilennia Medina who is very sick .May God have mercy on her to be release from her present situation I ask this through Chris our Lord.Amen
Thank you Jesus ,I want to use this opportunity to pray for my mother in law..DILENNIA MEDINA who has been suffering for so much diseases and pains I believe what TB Joshua is doing he is one of the 12 Disciples of God..God has use him to touch me and so many billions of people in the world.I...
Thank you Jesus.I want to thank the group who have been praying for me,Also I believe that God has answer my prayer.with faith everything is possible.i want God to perfect my heart desire and free me from the hands of my Enemies as he free the children of Isreal from Egypt..thank you Jesus .
Thank you Jesus ,Emmanuel.i am seeing changes since I enter this group and listen to TB Joshual daily preaching service on YouTube.he is truly saying the right word that fit the nation. Love your neighbor..etc
Thank you jesus..the word of God has made me have peace in my heart..he said dont have any grudges over your enemy.also dont blame your enemies about your situation.i am happy with my situation for God has a dwelling place in my heart.Tha I you Lord.TB Joshua Emmanuel True Son of God Trully you...
Thank you Jesus..I had a dream last night that some one I know Died and asking people to carry the Casket so they can bury him. And also 2 Ladies one is my friend the other one is a company to my friend came to visit me in Prison .please I need your Prayer I don't want to be here for long...
Thank you jesus .as I start a new week .I want God to send a good news and Angel to visit my case and free me from this the end I shall give thanks.....
Thank you Jesus. Since I started listening to Man Of God My dream become peacefully no more Nightmare or suppression anymore....Man Of God please look into my case.i am in Dominican Rep. I remember the last time you came I was Blessed by your Miracle .I believe you are the CHOOSEN ONE .PRAY FOR...