I ask GOD to help my brother "Gabriel Marcos" to stop fighting and arguing inside the house, and to get all the anger out of his mind in the name of JESUS. I also ask that GOD urgently send peace and financial blessing to my home in the name of JESUS.
~Isaque Marcos
My husband Daniel wants to divorce, he wants it because he is afraid of dying without enjoying life. It seems he is completely blind, and it seems he decided and he is not going to change his mind until it’s too late… Dad, please, take all spiritual blindness from him, take all the lies of his...
Pray for my marriage restoration/restitution and for my husband (Daniel)’s life. Holy Spirit, touch his heart, change his mind, I need a miracle and I know you’re my only hope, there’s nothing you can’t do, please Dad, deliver us from divorce, deliver us from the Devil’s lies. Please, give me...
I wanted to ask for prayer for my brother "Gabriel Marcos", he has been fighting and arguing a lot at home. He has been very disturbed in his mind and very angry with everything and everyone. I can't stand so much fighting in my home anymore.
~Isaque Marcos
pray for my sirleid neighbor she had a tumor on her head and had the surgery and is having trouble walking she is always dizzy and has a 13 year old son to take care of she is not well
Jesus I want crazy love from my son as earlier..I pray for you for my husband's health and my sons protection in name of Jesus. I pray for my offer letter
I sent this prayer request earlier or another day but I implore you to gather as many people as possible to pray as many people as possible to break this witchcraft because it is very strong these attacks are so heavy that other people who have been victims have died or are sick to this day and...
Hello! We invite you all to join our worldwide mass prayer for the world peace and for a positive future for humanity, on May 2th. All the positive religions of the world are invited, the only necessary requirement is for you to believe in God, and want to do good to our planet. The prayer will...
18 00 eet time
event time announcer
exact same time
exact time
may 2th worldwide mass reschedule
native language link
positive future
positive religions
two positive events
I ask that GOD help my brother "Gabriel Marcos" to stop fighting and arguing inside the house in the name of JESUS. I ask that GOD send urgent peace to my home.
~Isaque Marcos
I am searching Job with promotion from my current designation with highest package in my nearest place. I want that all my loans and debts to be cancel anyway by God's grace. I want to love free from sorrows sadness and debt. I am I need of brightest future of my son. I am expecting to do lot...
Today's Prayers... April... 28th... FRIDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - thank YOU because YOU're always there... EVEN when we DO NOT notice, EVEN in times when we can see because we are sick or alike... JESUS renew our lives in all areas... gives LOADS of HEALTH + COMPLETE HEALING + FULL...
Today's Prayers... April... 27th... 2023... THURSDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - bless everyone praying these prayers... keep on sending people in numbers for praying... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - give an UNDENIABLE VICTORY over the evil people... FRUSTRATING their plans ONCE AND FOR ALL...
Today's Prayers... April... 26th... 2023... WEDNESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - every single prayer counts, therefore, thanks for all already praying these prayers... Keep on sending people in numbers for praying these prayers for YOU... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE, ONCE AND FOR ALL...
Today's Prayers... April... 25th... 2023... TUESDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - PRECLUDE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, FOREVERMORE, all plans against us at it's origin... meaning... when someone starts thinking about something like so, please JESUS stand still right in front of us FORBIDDING everything...
Today's Prayers... April... 24th... 2023... MONDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - keep on sending YOURSELF, more than ever before, plenty of HORDES of Angels from HEAVEN on our favor, ORDERING the evil people for DO leave us all alone in peace forevermore, and that the evil people OBEY...
Today's Prayers... April... 2023... SUNDAY... JESUS - The Bible's GOD - CURE us and the people praying YOU asking for their healing... heal us DOING YOUR MIRACLE giving us YOUR cure ASAP... we are so in need of YOUR cure... please... DO the same for all those praying YOU about it... JESUS...