Dear God, I need urgent money for buy gift items.please god, send to me miracle money in Jesus name. kindly pray for me.pray for this prayer request in Jesus name.God bless us all.Amen.
God, please make sure that everything I buy for me in my daily life from market and other area are very cheap for me always in Jesus name..God, send me more miracle money every day in the name of Jesus. Kindly pray for this request in Jesus name.God heal And bless us all, be grateful To Almighty...
Kindly pray for me in Jesus name.i need urgent money for buy a new android phone and other things for me...i pray to almighty God for to get miracle money as soon as possible in Jesus name.please God send me more unexpected and miracle money in Jesus name soon.Amen.
Kindly pray for me.
Urgent prayer request in Jesus name for to get miracle money to buy a new phone and other necessary phone accessories. Kindly pray for this In Jesus name.
Almighty creator God, you are great please make a billionaire soon in Jesus name.Almighty God please make me Rich, healthy and happy in Jesus name.Amen.
Please almighty God, protect my mobile phone from every harm.. God, please help me save my money and android phone in the name of Jesus. Kindly pray for this in the name of Jesus.