Please Almighty God, protect my house from All negative energies forever in Jesus name.kindly pray for My home protection and safety always to Almighty God.
please God, save my money in Jesus name.God Make sure that everything that I have to buy everyday are so much cheap for me.Please God, make sure that I have enough money always in Jesus name.Amen.
Please God, bless me with your miracles and make my all wishes come true right now with happiness in Jesus name.Amen. Pray for me to almighty God please.
Please Almighty God, Take away My All problems forever in Jesus name.Please God, make sure that I have no worries about my every problem in the name of Jesus.Amen.
Please God, bring him back to me in Jesus name.please God, make sure that woman is no longer exists in his heart and his life forever in Jesus name.Prayer request for remove third party forever and bring him back to me in very soon.pray for my prayer request .
Almighty God, please remove my All extra body fats and remove extra body weight ASAP without any diet in Jesus name.Please pray for me to almighty God.pray for this prayer request.
Please Almighty God, protect my house from white-ants and other bugs in Jesus name.Please God always protect my house from every harm in Jesus name. Kindly pray for my prayer request To almighty God.
I pray to God for my every wishes come true in very soon in Jesus name.i also pray for my good health always in Jesus name.pray for me to almighty God.
I pray to almighty God for my faster weight lose with out any crush diet in Jesus name.please God , remove my All extra body fats in the name of Jesus.please pray for this prayer request To almighty God.
Please Almighty God, protect my house from white-ants forever in Jesus name . Please God make sure that there is no more white ant in house forever in Jesus name.kindly pray to almighty God for my prayer request in Jesus name.