Please Almighty God, take away my All tensions and problems forever in Jesus name.Amen. Kindly pray for me to Almighty God.pray on this prayer request.
Please God, cure my chest pain naturally forever in Jesus name.please God, cure my All diseases forever naturally in Jesus name.Amen. Kindly pray for me to God.
Please God, make sure always my good relationship with my mother.please God, give me back my mother like before.please God, restore relationship with my mother like before in the name of Jesus.Amen. Please Pray to Almighty God for my prayer request.
please Almighty God, make sure that I can travel the whole world very soon in Jesus name.please God, make sure my good health always and strong financial situation/support for the world traveling.kindly pray for my prayer request in Jesus name to Almighty God. Amen.
I pray to Almighty God for to collect my desire books in very easily in Jesus name.Please God, send me more money with your blessings in Jesus name.Please God, make everything perfect and easy for me in the name of Jesus. Kindly pray for me to Almighty God.
Please God, make sure that my relationship with my mother is always be like before in Jesus name.God, please make sure that I am always happy In Jesus name.kindly pray for my relationship with my mother To almighty God.heal my relationship with my mother In Jesus name.
Please God, make sure that my relationship with my mother is always be like before in Jesus name.God, please make sure that I am always happy In Jesus name.kindly pray for my relationship with my mother To almighty God.heal my relationship with my mother In Jesus name.
Please God, make sure that my relationship with my mother is always be like before in Jesus name.God, please make sure that I am always happy In Jesus name.kindly pray for my relationship with my mother To almighty God.heal my relationship with my mother In Jesus name.
Please God, make sure that my relationship with my mother is always be like before in Jesus name.God, please make sure that I am always happy In Jesus name.kindly pray for my relationship with my mother To almighty God.heal my relationship with my mother In Jesus name.
Please God, make me happy always In Jesus name.please God, make sure that I am happy every day in the name of Jesus.kindly pray for me to Almighty God.