I want to say thanks for your prayers. I asked for my lawyer and when I found a lawyer, the first one said she wants to pick up my case,that she wants to go on! Glory to the Lord and thanks again
I want to say thanks for your prayers. I asked for my lawyer and when I found a lawyer, the first one said she wants to pick up my case,that she wants to go on! Glory to the Lord and thanks again
Hello! I ask you to pray 🙏 for Christ Jesus to make my calendar such as I can go to the church and may have my classes, that I can go to each one and that they are by zoom. Thanks
I ask for your prayers, I think I will change my lawyer and I need the money for the next man, I put him, Jose Luis, in prayer, that the favor of the Sir may put in him a spirit of help me and he see me with compassion, and the Lord give him wisdom and power. Thanks
Hola buenas tardes..a todos los siervos y siervas de Dios...!me llamó JORGELINA Miño,tengo 61 años. Pido oración para mis enfermedades..(efisema pulmonar,artritis,calculo en mis riñones,fibrosis pulmonar...estoy pidiendo a Dios..ir a la scoan...y se que el s señor Jesús va a curarme..Dios los...
Please pray for the urgent spreading of the knowledge that Covid-19 is not a contagious disease, and it is not caused by a virus, but by chemical and electromagnetic intoxication, which lowers or acidifies the body’s pH, so causing blood clotting. There is no need for lockdowns nor social...
blood clotting
body s ph
bogus tests
contagious disease
electromagnetic intoxication
false positives
first victims
genetic material
mix of genetic material
other living beings
social distancing
urgent spreading
Please pray for the urgent rescue of these 500 children (child-list-to-rescue.pdf | PDF Host) from 4 countries, the three big North American countries, United States, Canada and Mexico, plus Costa Rica, retained as inmates in 7 military bases: 1) ARNG Camp (Connecticut Army National Guard), 2)...
500 children child list
7 wilmington international airport kilm
arng camp connecticut army national guard
big north american countries united states canada
california 4 redstone arsenal photos
camp callan camp callan fortwiki
camp callan camp callan fortwiki historic u s
canadian forts california
cma army mil pcd
guantanamo bay naval base cuba
newport chemical depot reuse indiana newp chem
pueblo chemical depot colorado https www cma army mil pcd
redstone arsenal army base milbases
redstone arsenal photos of redstone arsenal army base milbases com
three big north american countries
urgent rescue
Carlo. Soy Diana, tengo casib73 años, puedo ser tu abuela, y acabo de conocerte x la web. Se que no es una casualidad, Diosito me puso en tu camino. Tengo hace 3 años una neuralgia del trigémino que me vuelven loca de dolor. Te pido por favor te acerques al Señor y le pidas que me sane. Se que...