I want God to help me improve my prayer life. I want God to help me select the job He want me to do at of the two jobs I have at hand, M.D.S or N.B.C. I want God to protect my house hold , give us good health, and none of us shall die prematurely in Jesus name Amen. I pray that God give my...
Please pray for my grandchildren, for their safety of mind, heart and bodies. That God would comfort their hearts. Pray for the adults in contact with them come to know God and then change their ways. Pray for me. I am grieving from not being able to be with them.
Please pray that God will give me wisdom to share the gospel with everyone in whom I come in contact with, even in schools, Pray that God will bring people in my life so I can share the gospel with them.
Lots of reapect, love and attention from all i come into contact today and in the nexr couple of days.
Miracles of positive and loving relationships and interactions.
All of them. Amen
Protection from any evil
Please continue to pray that a man and his family will be saved, born again Christians. Please pray that they will be in contact with strong laborers in the Lord that are minded to the things of God more than the things of this world. Please pray their hearts will be prompted toward the Lord...
Please continue to pray for a man and his family to be saved, born again Christians. Please pray that they won’t be hindered once their hearts are prompted toward Lord Jesus. I pray they will get in contact with strong laborers in the Lord, and that they will grow more and more once they are...
Please pray for my partner and I we have been together for 6 years and he’s been really good to me. He now moved back home his ex is in Cape Town but he’s cut contact with me.
Shalom. In 2011 I came in contact with a sister in the Lord from Trinidad in here, and her name is Sherry Edwards. We lost contact last year, as I didn't hear from her again, and I wonder if anyone in here knows her and what happened to her and her family, husband and identical twin boys?
Praise the Lord please pray for Jaspreet Singh kawaijit Kaur few days he is ok with me now again he did the same thing with me off all the Numbers no contact me really want safe my relationship please u all keep on praying for us I want him go with me church pray all the time
Please pray police ban Warren Colman from any contact with a female who isn’t related to him and see that he’s still a pervert. Please pray he’s jailed
My brother is suffering blood clots from long term COVID! He's saying the enemy is telling him to commit suicide! He can't sleep and I think he's suffering so great that is unbearable. If anyone has answers please contact! please keep him in your prayers!
Also, please continue to pray for a man and his family to be saved, born again Christians. Pray for healing for any physical ailments or sicknesses they have as well. Pray they will be drawn to our Lord and come in contact with strong laborers in the Lord. Please pray that they will believe the...
Please continue to pray for a man and his family to be saved, born again Christians. Please pray that they will know Jesus as their Lord and savior. Please pray other strong laborers in the Lord will come in contact with them and form friendships with them. Also, pray for them to give up their...
dear lord, after my husbands abuse and infidelity and 5month of no contact, he came back into my life, seemingly changed and wants to change, I want to believe so bad and I am challenged. I have anxiety and fear of being left again come up. My heart loves him but every time when he is "out and...
I have been asking for prayer on here for my husband. He is currently in active drug and alcohol addiction and it is very bad. It has gotten to the point that I had to completely cut contact with him 2 weeks ago for the safety of myself and my cchildren. He told me brother in law that he is...
I want my ex to stop messaging me and contacting me. I can’t block him as I’m afraid to make him angry as he will seek harsh revenge. Please make him stop all contact with me and let me be in peace. Please pray he stops messaging, contacting me and harassing me.
Please have my friend communicate back with me it’s been so long since I’ve seen him since I had to move away long ago, we lost contact but he would mostly text last time about 1 year ago. Please help him be ok Lord and help us reunite once again soon.
Protection of the blood of Jesus on me and every person i come into contact with.
No entering or affecting of evil spirits through my eyes, ears, smell, taste, spirit, intuition in Jesus name. Me in the right pathway, all evil removed from me in Jesus name, amen..