My father that is in heaven, please put your healing hand on my beloved Nico, please be with I'm when he goes on Friday to the hospital. Please let the procedure be successful and please let his recovery be speedy with no complications. Please my Lord I pray for this in Jesus name, amen
My name is deept from Mumbai, I m 8 week pregnant with lots of complications and also bleeding, baby have not heart beat and not seen in sonography also pray for my family and my friends. Amen
My mom passed away on 27 november.I dont know why God's is not happy with me. I lost my mom.
the year 2020 was the worst year of my life. I lost my child due to ectopic pregnancy.I am totally broken. My prayers are not successful. dont know why ? no hope for me.
Jesus I know U R watching...
I am a 45 yrs old woman. I went through CS in 2009. While I lost the baby, I had complications of VVF. Since then, I have had four other surgeries which had stopped the leaking of urine but the Doctors are saying I have complications in my bladder, that my kidney is not functioning very well and...
My sister is getting an emergency surgery to get an abscess drained from her intestines. I pray that the surgery goes well without complications and that she recovers good!
My frend fakruddin kanchwala age 32 yrs is undergoing 1st surgery on fri 26th feb ahmedabad and the other surgery later. Pls pray that both surgeries r successful n free of infection even later no more complications and his leg is saved. please please GOD. Let him be happy free of all troubles...
Praise report! Thank you for your prayers! God has provided a very nice gently used car that runs very well! Thank you Jesus God is good all the time. Please continue to pray for healing from complications from covid, migraines and other organ systems that are not working quite right. Please...
I have been pregnant for 3 yrs, if I go to scan they don't see the baby yet I feel baby kicks, just recently a nurse said the baby is just 4 mnts I just want to deliver my babies by June 2021 without complications or any abnormalities, 2 I want my hubby to go and legalise my marriage wt him...
I have been pregnant for 3 yrs, if I go to scan they don't see the baby yet I feel baby kicks, just recently a nurse said the baby is just 4 mnts I just want to deliver my babies by June 2021 without complications or any abnormalities, 2 I want my hubby to go and legalise my marriage wt him...
I have been pregnant for 3 yrs, if I go to scan they don't see the baby yet I feel baby kicks, just recently a nurse said the baby is just 4 mnts I just want to deliver my babies by June 2021 without complications or any abnormalities, 2 I want my hubby to go and legalise my marriage wt him...
Praise the lord.. please prayer for me and baby im 6th month pregnant im facing lot of complications always im get tensed by the problems and i lost my baby at 6th month of pregnancy which got aborted in my first pregnancy now this should not happen i must deliever a healthy baby...i ask the...
Please lord help me what i do? Because I'm totally disturb, life is finished, complications job with life, i have no idea so i wanna going to abroad nd settle so i pray for healing tq god amen...
I pray for my sister's pregnancy to go well without any complications, praying for my family, thankful for everything God has done in my life and family, I pray for everyone in this world father, I pray you protect and guide them, AMEN.
I want God to heal me from diabetes and it's complications. Save my first son and deliver him from cultism.If God will do these two things for me ,I will testify to the whole world to the glory of God.
Am requesting you to pray for my Brother Frank Owoyesigire who is admitted in Intensive care unit ( ICU) because of complications after healing from Corona virus one of his lungs has hole that keeps loosing his oxygen, he is now in a very bad condition Kind pray for us Robert Tumwijukye
Good day pastor Pls pray for me against complications associated with pregnancy especially pregnancy induced hypertension called Pre-eclampsia which claimed d luves of my 2 babies Doctors says one is likely to have t in subsequent pregnancies if she has had t before D baby alive now was by God's...
2 babies doctors
country: nigeria
d lives
gall bladder stone
gastritis high blood pressure
good day pastor
subsequent pregnancies
total healing
Good day.. brothers and sisters please help me praying for early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski in his sickness due to covid with complications.. please help him to back his strength...thank Jesus name...Amen
God deliver my wife from complications of ectopic gestation surgery on the Left Fallopian tube and give us our babies. God deliver my wife and my family from the wickedness from the former father inlaw whose son died of sickle cell disease and he wants my wife to get pregnant out side .My wife...
Good morning brothers and sisters..please help me praying for the early recovery of Henry Felix Symanski in his sickness...remove all the viruses and complications in his body..heal him and give him strength to fight in covid...please help him..Thanks