Please pray the gay female who has been stalking me,claiming money in my name and lying I’m her girlfriend (I’ve never met her at all) leaves me alone and that I am refunded the full £40000 she stole plus a sum on top for compensation.
Please pray my doctors help Hardiman be jailed for the rest of his life and for us to obtain his assets in full as compensation. Please pray the woman who used out funding is put back in a secure unit with no way to escape and that she is detained until death,with no more access to minors or...
Please pray all ties are severed with my family and their predatory associations,like the woman stalking me. Please pray I get compensation from DWP of at least £80000 and please pray I get my funding (medical) soon
Please pray for us that a state government will pay the compensation on our family land that they acquired for which we got judgement against them * they agreed to pay compensation . It is over a year & they are yet to sign the file for the payment. Please pray that the flie will be signed &...
Rev.Fr.yesterday My son went lorry came and dashed luckily only car had spoiled, fr. We asked that lorry ppl some compensation. We went to police . Fr.all of them are regular in this cops and that mam is very friendly and they have lot of support. Pls pray for our protection for my son...
Please pray I’m completely protected and new trustworthy friends come to take the place of people who behaved very badly Please pray family give me a sizeable lump sum of compensation
Please pray I am awarded all my housing costs in full plus compensation for being made homeless maliciously after my home was smashed up in lockdown,October 2020,and the loss of a job due to not having a proper phone line It destroyed my credit file,please pray I am awarded at least £100,000 for...
Please pray I get all £26000 missing benefit (I had to borrow heavily as someone was stealing it). Please pray I get it all back,with compensation and that there are arguments.
Please pray for me to be able to go hime to the Philippines safe and healthy and alive before july 23, 2022. Please pray for me to be able to go home without spending any centavo and please pray for my employers to pay my compensation. Please pray for me to be protected while I wait for the...
Please pray my dad sees he’s going to have to give me compensation in the region of £1 million for personal injury,stalking and major harrassment by their employee S and being deprived of sleep for hours
Please pray I am completely free and not interfered with in any way by corrupt judges and family. Please pray Sibel is jailed for fraud and stalking and isn’t able to use my NHS iD,please pray I receive compensation and she sees she will lose custody of any future child she might have at once.
Please pray Manuel’s friends see he has to provide compensation under the hotels act for theft and it will be substantial. Please pray he admits to theft and fraud
Please pray council/police accept we are going to need the compensation for our children,and my losses are in the region of £3 million. Please pray they see Sarah and Antonia aren’t fit to bring up children