Please pray that the crimes by influential people through years will be stopped and prosecuted. I'm continually being attacked.
Due to all of this, I have missed a deadline for a large student debt, and it has been sent for collections. Please pray that the government agency will change the...
cat's life
contract work
country: united kingdom
current study
dead end abusive job
death of certain objects
emergency care
government agency
honor student
indoor cat
influential people
large student
large student debt
legal rights justice
manager permission
murdered loved ones humans
organs joints spine
safe country
sex criminals
spiritual means
Please pray I have a lovely talented family and in peace can be free of those harassing me. Please pray my compensation comes through in great abundance so I can move on from injuries and start again in peace,please pray I get my ivf and it’s protected by female doctors with no conditions attached.
I’m trying to get compensation for career-ending injury and I’ve been warned family are trying to access it and give it to a cult. Please pray my injunctions go through I’m pregnant and will have no income
Please pray all my compensation comes in generously and rapidly so I can buy a lovely home outright and have my family. Please pray my children are healthy,very intelligent and protected from any chromosomal or genetic abnormality
Please pray I get at least 1 million in compensation,less than 2/3 of what it should be.
Please pray I get my injunction against my dad and please pray I%u2019m completely protected from him and his sick prayers I go through menopause prematurely.
Please pray it%u2019s not before 53
Please pray the parties making allegations about me and trying to have me detained on lies that I tried to abduct someone are forced to back down publicly,sacked (they are in high offices) and that I get at least one million pounds in compensation over this.
It%u2019s ruined my life and it...
Please pray Benson is required to give galina at least 30 yrs’ former salary as compensation and please pray he is removed from the Masons. Please pray Austin is thrown out too.
Please pray I never see or hear from the people who were hassling me again,please pray I get compensation and the lawyer sees them prosecuted for harrassment and sacked,as they’ve done all this before.
Please pray Sally Chalker refuses to support WB or the council,please pray my compensation comes rapidly and they don’t dare to drag this out. Please pray WB feels uncomfortable with his misdeeds being exposed and please pray others see it’s in the public interest and protection of the...
Please pray I will easily get compensation and full public retractions of slander and also get legal help. Please pray I have a beautiful healthy intelligent talented and blessed baby girl with my own eggs soon🙏
Please pray I get compensation from the former employers who started vicious rumours about me,rumours which cost me hundreds of jobs and the opportunity to relocate.
May S get compensation for lost work appointment setback because it was cancelled with short notice. May there be abundant and regular provision, new job opportunites, promotion and breakthrough! Amen.
Please pray Barclays give me compensation today and please pray I%u2019m protected from creepy dad and sister who are trying to take control of my life.
Please pray my dad sees I will have children and I need to sue for compensation. Please pray he sees the stuff that’s been said to him simply is not true. Please pray he realises that he cannnt trust Stewart at all,and that he’s caused hide problems for me by slandering me.
Please pray that I receive compensation for work done to pay off my creditors. I have money to receive but there seems to be a hinderance for me to get it. I need abreakthrough. HELP.
May S get compensation for lost work appointment setback because it was cancelled with short notice. May there be abundant and regular provision, new job opportunites, promotion and breakthrough! Amen.