Lord don’t know what all the delay is but I need my check now and all the help and compensation and we win all these matters Asap and everything goes through and is accepted. Fight Your Battles IJN And keep us all Safe i by Your mighty Sprinkled Blood we pray, amen
Please pray I remain free and able to speak openly about corruption and that I never have any dealings ever again with corrupt family and police,that I get compensation and that Dr Smith organised a payout for me for a huge deliberate GDPR breach.
Pray please I’m not exploited,blamed or involved in any way in their scheme to pretend I committed a crime (to rob me of compensation). Please pray Stewart,Andrew and Pieter are jailed,along with the sergeant and anyone else involved. I feel unsafe,please pray I am completely protected.
Please pray I receive one million GBP as compensation for the slander and can pay all debts,move away and start again with no more fear of attack. Please pray Stewart and the corrupt police are jailed
Please pray my sister doesn’t listen to a word Abigail says,and that she sees her dishonest agenda. Please pray I receive compensation for the gross GDPR breach
I’ve been slandered by a former employer. They’ve ignored all my communications but it’s serious slander. Please pray they see I want a lot of compensation as I’ve been attacked over this,they sack Stewart and issue a full public retraction.
Getting work has been difficult.
I’ve been slandered by the council. Please pray all support is denied them by police and their friends and that I receive the maximum in compensation as it’s cost me a £65000 per year job 🙏
I was slandered by former colleagues and it’s very serious,they were paid to do this years after I had left,literally years. They won’t communicate or apologise so please pray I get very substantial backup and compensation
Please pray I’m protected from Michael and Ann,Kristin aggressive family who put me at risk. Completely severed ties please God,that they won’t get a penny of money due to me for compensation and that they’ll be exposed for their corrupt ways
Protect Galina from corrupt police,that they will be jailed Please pray she gets a sincere apology that they put her at risk and Dr.G is sacked. She also needs compensation please pray🙏
Please pray that all protection is stripped from Hardiman,C George,Bromilow and Benson and corrupt police. Please pray all lies are removed from my official files and they are fined at least one million for us to be able to move on with compensation
We’re being lied about to justify discrimination and withheld IVF. Please pray my claim for compensation is upheld-it’s caused me huge distress and we’ve been waiting 4 times the legal upper limit.