Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields...
Please pray for me to do well in our Christian improv show tonight. Pray that I get suggestions I know and can excel at and that it is fun. Pray for our whole company to do their very best, and that the audience leaves the show feeling refreshed and renewed and having laughed at good clean...
Please pray for my husband that he gets a job in his domain. It has been one year since he was laid off from his job with no fault of his but that investors withdrew from company where he worked. Please pray for him that God bless work of his hands and that he stays positive throughout and no...
Prayer for the job I have to let me go because it’s too stressful and it’s making me emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, because I feel like what the company is making me do is cheating people
Father, if there was ever a time to show favor upon me, please let it be now. I just applied for my dream job with the company that I really want to work for. I am BEGGING for this position to be in your will to let me obtain. Please let them see me as an asset. IJNIPA
Father, if there was ever a time to show favor upon me, please let it be now. I just applied for my dream job with the company that I really want to work for. I am BEGGING for this position to be in your will to let me obtain. Please let them see me as an asset. IJNIPA
Father, if there was ever a time to show favor upon me, please let it be now. I just applied for my dream job with the company that I really want to work for. I am BEGGING for this position to be in your will to let me obtain. Please let them see me as an asset. IJNIPA
Please pray for us. My husband and I have been scammed for $2100.00 by a company that has been preying on the elderly. We have reported it to the BBB and the Attorney General. We know that God is able to fix it for us and countless other people that have been scammed also. We're praying for...
Please pray for us. My husband and I have been scammed for $2100.00 by a company that has been preying on the elderly. We have reported it to the BBB and the Attorney General. We know that God is able to fix it for us and countless other people that have been scammed also. We're praying for...
Please pray for a forever home for my children and I. Please pray we do not get evicted from our current residence. Please pray we do not end up homeless or in a shelter. Please pray for protection over my children and I. Please pray for my employment that I excel and my position and work my way...
Please help me cultivate great friendships and help others and contribute to my company! Help me absorb all the training and prepare well to go see the right customers to get maximum impact for pateints that need this medication!
Please pray for my husband, Eric’s job. He is so grateful to have a job, but is struggling with where the company is going. Please Pray for guidance and support to help us become Financially stable and for Eric to be where he is meant to be. I am asking these prayers is Jesus Christ’s sweet name...
Please pray for my husband, Eric’s job. He is so grateful to have a job, but is struggling with where the company is going. Please Pray for guidance and support to help us become Financially stable and for Eric to be where he is meant to be. I am asking these prayers is Jesus Christ’s sweet name...
Please pray for my husband, Eric’s job. He is so grateful to have a job, but is struggling with where the company is going. Please Pray for guidance and support to help us become Financially stable and for Eric to be where he is meant to be. I am asking these prayers is Jesus Christ’s sweet name...
I interviewed with a company for 2 different positions. Each paying $20,000 more than what I make now. Please God, I honestly do not care which one I get, but please let them offer me one of them soon. We really need the money. IJNIPA
I interviewed with a company for 2 different positions. Each paying $20,000 more than what I make now. Please God, I honestly do not care which one I get, but please let them offer me one of them soon. We really need the money. IJNIPA
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields...