Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields...
Thank You Jesus that You helped me so much with some difficult clients in the autumn. Please help me with the difficult clients now and bless the work of my hands! Help me these clients for which I am worrying now to realize my true care and respect for them and to be very happy with our company...
Thank You Jesus that You helped me so much with some difficult clients in the autumn. Please help me with the difficult clients now and bless the work of my hands! Help me these clients for which I am worrying now to realize my true care and respect for them and to be very happy with our company...
God, I pray for a 2 days hotel stay near will be covered by the company and the remaining days may you go before us to find a good accommodation for 3 days below 1k within walking distance in the name of Jesus, Amen! 🙏
My brother live with his wife and kid in uk. He was unwell his condition was very bad. He was hospitalized. His wife has to be with him and look after him. But the company where she was working removed her from the job as she took leave when my brother was hospitalized. She is very upset. Her...
Lord i come in desperate needs of work , repairs come into prodrive shop #4 so techs get over 30-40 flag hours a week and advisors hit their top bonus pay and company can pay all employees with ease , no issues with pay and cashing checks at easy prayers for my relationship with Bryan Bridge of...
my friendship with my friends always hurts me alot , i use to be very caring if i really love someone with all my heart. but it always backfires me. i found a friend last year who is gentle and caring . we use to worked in the same branch and i was so happy with her company. we use to share all...
Please pray for me ,I need place to stay with my children,and pray for promises of God to manifest over my life,I registered a company but m not working pls pray for my project to come into pass .