Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields...
My business is struggling. I have 34 employees and their families who depend on my company. I'm very worried about them and can't sleep or eat. We need more sales because I don't want to lay anyone off. Please pray for business to improve.
Praise the lord, My prayer request is that i need job in an IT Company with a very good package… LORD Please Jesus show me your miracle in this month only. I really need job Jesus… accept my prayer request Jesus🙏🙏🙏
Good day i need all the prayers i can get please pray that i work more hours so we can be financially stable at home. Please pray that we will make rent payments every month. Please pray that our company has work for us all right threw the year.
Approval of my daughter green card; passing all my exams this month with 100 percent; perfection of my mother’s health; my health, my daughter health; payment of my debt; enlargement of my company and peace in my family
Please pray for my daughter Rhea as she doesn't go to church or pray 🙏. Also currently her company has put her on PIP for two months to improve her performance. Please pray they don't remove her from her job and accept her successfully in the job after her PIP . Thanks.
Please pray for me as I have ordered my wedding dress from an online site. My payment has been deducted but the order is cancelled. I have received a call from the company and they said that the order will be processed. Still, please pray for me my brotherrs and sisters as the cost was very much...
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields...
Good day Sir please pray for me that i work more at my company and that i can go permanent as well. Please pray for my mother that she will be okay and that she will have food to eat daily and that she wont be sad or lonely. Please pray that my mother turnes to God and starts praying.
Good Morning I just want to say that you to God and everyone that has prayed for me and my family my prayers are being answered. Please pray for me and my family we are moving to another house please pray that we will be financially stable and that we will work all year I am currently an a...
Not sure if I should send a farewell email to colleagues who sabatoged me while I was working and the company and forced me to leave. I pray for them but I would like to leave quietly. Please pray that I make the right decision. Amen.
Good Day Sir this is Samantha here please pray my husband Morne works more hours and please pray i become permanent at our company VSS, I pray our work load picks up and we will be busy right threw the year.
I have just abandoned my PhD program of 13 years without any results. I have realised some of my shortcomings and am determined to start afresh in another institution in a new direction. I don't want to start without assurance of God's company all the way. I need ideas, strength, inner will and...
academics breakthrough
country: nigeria
financial breakthrough
financial help
inner strength
new direction
phd program
The company I worked for , closed our location, please Pray God, will open up doors for jobs for me and that my interview tomorrow goes amazing and that I get the job
The company I worked for , closed our location, please Pray God, will open up doors for jobs for me and that my interview tomorrow goes amazing and that I get the job
The company I worked for , closed our location, please Pray God, will open up doors for jobs for me and that my interview tomorrow goes amazing and that I get the job
My brother and sister in Christ, please pray for me today, prayer for God's favor. My company participate in the bidding and the results will be release tomorrow or this week. Please pray for me to win in the said bidding. My father in heaven please speak success and grant me the favor to get...