Please ask Pastor Chris to pray for me, Ollie McEwen, my husband and children to bow and serve Jesus Christ, Ny eldest son has colon & rectum cancer, I have High Blood pressure that refuses to go down with cataracts blocking my vision, for my husband suddenly not able to walk, my daughter and...
Please pray for my mother Maria Garcia. She is having too many issues with her colon and had used an enema everyday to have a bowel movement for the last 40 years of her life. God doesn’t seem to hear my prayers. I’m really depressed. She has done the enemas so much and for so many years that...
Please pray for my Aunt Loretta complete total healing they said she had dementia and also earlier this week she had a tear in her colon that caused her bleeding. She left the hospital on her own after she was. Please pray for her husband Byron to pray more because his faith is low.
Urgent prayers for antonietta lord heal her colon , please lord let her cousin t and her friend M not bother her anymore , they manipulate her , please lord bind all evil from those two people and her cell phone and evil people , in Jesus name . Please lord help her mental state .
heavenly father restore esther castille to full capacity and wholeness in jesus name. father heal s.t. colon and anniont her body with your healing oil. bless her with your healing divine strength and energy like an eagle. taking away all her pain. in jesus name amen
Please pray for me for healing and deliverance from multiple huge fibroids. l am also asking for prayers for my father who is battling stage 4 cancer. Pray that God will touch and heal and deliver his colon and liver and remove the cancer.
My daughters kindergarden teacher is going with her husband tomorrow to the hospital. Her husband has cancer in the colon that has spread to his lungs. Is is dying. Please prat for him to meet wise health care workers, so that he gets the best care. And that if God is willing heal him. He has...
My mom Maria Garcia is so constipated and can’t have a bowel movement since yesterday. I’m truly concerned please, pray she hoes to the bathroom without any problems and her colon and Intestines are healed. I beg you!!
I’m Martha and I have been having too many issues with my bowel movements lately and it’s all due to my stressful job. Please, pray my bowel habits go back to normal and my colon and rectum and intestines are healed.
My name is Martha and I have been having constipation issues and bowel problems for over a week now. I need healing prayers for my colon and bowels. There is something wrong with my nervous system too. I try to relax but I can’t and can’t have a bowel movement. I need healing prayers for my...
I’m Martha. I need prayers for my mom Maria Garcia and for me. I’m always weak and tired and have colon and stomach issues and my mom has the exact same health problems. Please, pray for us. Thank you!
I’m Martha. I need urgent prayers. I work up very constipated. Please, pray my colon and stomach is healed and the constipation ends :( Thank you all. Good bless you!!
I’m Martha. Please, pray for my mom, her name is Maria. She has had so many stomach and colon and digestive problems. Last night I didn’t sleep well cause she just told me she thinks this is her last christmas with me :( she thinks she will die soon. Please, pray for her I beg you. She has been...
I’m Martha and I started having some diarrhea since 2 am. and is still going. Please, pray it stops and my stomach and colon are healed of whatever bacteria or virus is there.
Please pray for Leslie she's got a problem with her colon and stomach, they had to be reconstructed on an emergency surgery, she's in the hospital now, she cannot have any visitors because of covid. She is a Christian.
1-Please pray for Miss Nada, she suffers from a spinal cord injury and needs a miracle to walk again and we trust in Jesus Christ the healer 2-Praying for Professor Menis because he suffers from prostate problems 3-Please pray for Mr/ Moheb Munis because he is one of the problems of the colon