Father God, thank You that, even if churches are closed, nothing can stand in the way of Your children knowing and loving You. Please speak clearly and tenderly to our brothers and sisters who struggle to worship together, and who face such terrible persecution from their families and...
Requesting prayers that all churches where we attend will have revival and that the presence of Jesus will come to each one of us and fill us with His love and mercy. I know there are angels all around when we praise Jesus.
Please pray for: - Anyone else that has been victimized by the same people that targeted me. - Anyone currently going through spiritual warfare or being targeted with demonic activity. - People in churches where false doctrines are being taught
I want to go over to SE Asia to work and share the Gospel.
Please pray for jobs to open up,to get in contact with churches and opportunties to share the Gospel.
Bless you big,
Brother Karl
Dear saints of God.. please let us all pray for the Eastern Kentucky Flooding. People lost everything and churches has been destroyed. O God, please send help and blessing to everyone. Rebuild all churches and may Your name be glorified. In Jesus name. Amen
Dear Lord, we pray for all single people who cannot find a mate and our churches are full of them. O Lord take away their lonely hearts and start loving You more than ever before. You will provide the right person for each of them. Glory to God almighty. He is the Provider of all good things to...
Thank you for all your prayers. Jesus hear us and want us all blessed, helped and healed from the pain, the worry and the fear satan has brought to our life. Please continue to pray for all churches to have revival. Jesus want us all to be aware of His return and on way to welcome Him is to...
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray for revival in all our churches. We are living in the last days before the Lord will come to earth to take us all home to heaven. Let us all be in prayer and ask the Lord to save the lost souls and protect those who are living and serving the Lord.
We are praying for a place to retire with lots of churches and good people. Please pray with us that the Lord will take us to a place that we can have great fellowship. Thank you Also please pray for our family. We are going through tough times as. We want Godly restoration and unity. Thanks again.
I am with my team to plant churches in Kondoa Dodoma region. The area is so difficult because there many Muslims people. We God to open the door so that we share the good new. Blessings, Philip
Jesus, please help me find an online job that pays well, protect my businesses, increase my sales, send me seven Godly friends who love me, and give me peace and freedom worshipping before men (even in churches). In Jesus Name.
Lord deliver these people to your truths these new acquaintances, thought they were right before but they’re going to churches with Buddha statues please convict them to Your Saving Grace and bring them all to Salvation and knowledge of You, become real to them please Lord
Would you all please pray for our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible Study that all lost souls of our city will come in and hear the words of the Lord. Come to Me... says the Lord and be saved. O Lord, hear us and send revival to all our churches and may the name of the Lord be glorified in each...
Lord Jesus, bless all ushers in our churches, they do such a wonderful job serving You and doing what You told them to do. Help me Lord to love You more, to worship and adore Your holy name. Lead us all to our heavenly home in heaven. We pray for our pastors in all churches to be full of the...
O Lord, we call on You today to hear and answer this prayers sent by those who love You with all their heart, mind and soul. Who want to serve You and love You. We believe and trust Your word today and will forever. Whatever you ask in My name... says the Lord... I will do it. Please, answer...
Dear people of God, please continue to pray to God to fill us with the precious Holy Spirit and that revival will break out in all our churches. Jesus is coming soon and we must be prepared for His arrival. Love Him, praise Him, adore His holy name till He comes and take us all home to heaven. Amen
May the glory of the Lord fall on each person who writes requests for Jesus to hear and answer all of them, all done according to His will. O Lord, hear us and answer us we pray. Bless our churches, our pastors and everyone who comes in. In Jesus name. Amen