
  1. Lucy living in Hurghada Egypt

    Salvation for siblings

    Father God, please send bold, gospel loving and gospel believing Christians to preach the Word to Michael, Paul and Judith, my siblings. I pray that they will say sorry for their sins, repent and accept You Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, in Jesus Christ's Name and by His blood we pray..Amen
  2. Steven Bobb

    Another thing , people misuse words and ...

    Another thing , people misuse words and it becomes a form of slander because it's an untrue accusation.One such thing is we know as Christians know homosexuality is not accepted
  3. Steven Bobb

    Of the many things Christians have different"viewpoints" ...

    Of the many things Christians have different"viewpoints" on ,each "side"using or interpreting verses to back up their beliefs about it another point batted back and forth is,if Christians have pets especially beloved ones of several years and because most animals don't live as long as...
  4. Anonymous

    Please pray for the peace of theworld ...

    Please pray for the peace of theworld and for the protection of the Christians .. Thank you .
  5. Lucy living in Hurghada Egypt

    Father God, pls send Christians to boldly ...

    Father God, pls send Christians to boldly preach the Word of God, repentance, the way of salvation and inheriting eternal life in Your Heavenly kingdom. I pray against all evil schemes that hinders my siblings Michael, Paul and Judith from hearing the truth of Who Jesus Christ is. I bind all...
  6. Jernliose

    Praying my friend Keven would remember me ...

    Praying my friend Keven would remember me and be able to get in touch again. We are Christians and I'd like to go to church together and spend time together.
  7. Hothtas

    Prayer for Aid into Gaza.

    Please pray that more aid is able to come in to Gaza through the sea and land, and that families can stay together and come to Christ and Christians provide material care, food, and Bibles to people. Also, that doctors and medical workers can come in to help those with injuries needing serious...
  8. Taeweth

    Please pray That Christians in Yemen will ...

    Please pray That Christians in Yemen will renew their strength in the Lord and be guarded from harm That the ‘peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard [their] hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:7) That God will use this crisis to open new doors for people to hear...
  9. sistersofnorwich

    I am praying that the chance I ...

    I am praying that the chance I have to win £100,000 grants me so. I currently in a tight situation with money, and barely can afford the clothes I would like. Further, I would donate to this website as I believe it is a helpful tool for us as Christians. The money I win would really help me in...
  10. Annetting

    Breaking up a marriage that lasted longer ...

    Breaking up a marriage that lasted longer than we can think it is painful,specially among Christians. So, please pray for this couple that are separating themselves and living alone somewhere else. May Jesus fix the hearts that are broken and all alone. O Lord, send the Comforter to mend the...
  11. Byeshay

    Please pray for health - my hip ...

    Please pray for health - my hip joint is very bad, painful, can't sleep because of it, no sleep position is good anymore, walking is painful - basically any movement of my right leg is an issue for me currently. My name is Marta, I have no Christians here to pray with me, that's why I'm writing...
  12. Lucy living in Hurghada Egypt

    Salvation for staff

    Father God, please send Christians to preach the Word to Mr Hashim, Waleed, Hamada, Mr Mohamed, the owner of apartment building, Mohamed the doorman, Marwan, other staff in the building. I oray they say sorry for their sins, reoent and acceot You Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, in...
  13. Hothtas

    Giving to Gaza.

    Hello, the people of Gaza desperately need help right now in Christ. If anyone feels they should give financially, please give what anyone is able to the people in Gaza. The organization Christian Mission to Gaza works with Christians and Muslims in Gaza and the Middle East to show God's love...
  14. WingsofaDove

    I started drinking Bang or Rock Star ...

    I started drinking Bang or Rock Star energy drinks. Why? The Monster drinks I was drinking have skulls. Voodoo skeletons and demonic stuff on the can. Why is it bad? Because as Christians we must know how Satan, our enemy works. He uses people who are in the occult to hex things. So it is...
  15. Tekpath

    I notice that more and more Christians ...

    I notice that more and more Christians are doing whatever they want in life without thinking of judgment day or how their actions hurt others. Please pray with me that confusion would leave my partner and he would seek God's attention. He is working on a cruise ship and it is no place for a...
  16. Marte

    Please, Lord, help me make important decisions. ...

    Please, Lord, help me make important decisions. Thank you for sending me Christians on my busride who talk loud about asking you, Lord, for anything. Amen
  17. Irdoch

    Please pray for my relationship with my ...

    Please pray for my relationship with my partner. We are both Christians, but are struggles with some issues. Please pray for all of it to resolve, for us both to heal, and to continue to progress in our relationship as we have been. Thank you!
  18. Bitisonron

    I need some Christians ,3 or 4 ...

    I need some Christians ,3 or 4 in strength, to believe and pray with me. My name is Jenn. I need to move and get my own apt and preferably a better employment opportunity that doesn't require for me to work so much just to make ends meet. I paid my mom's rent last month because she's having...
  19. Robert Pearson

    Woman and her family live in Pakistan, ...

    Woman and her family live in Pakistan, they are Christians in a Muslim country. She says its very hard right now with persecution of Christians there. Please pray for her and her family. Ask that God sends the Holy Spirit into this area where Joy and her family is, bless those who don't deserve...
  20. Curgrim


    Just to pray for my mum and dad. They are Christians and he left her five years ago. To pray for reconciliation
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