The Lord is wonderful to those who pray daily and answer prayers with blessings. I am so glad to have faithful prayer warriors who pray daily for our church and for lost souls who came this morning to worship the Lord. Please God, save them and make them Your very own. Pray for our choir and for...
I am seeking a lovely boyfriend who plays the piano or sings in the choir and teaches Sunday School to teens, loving, caring and faithful praying soul. I am so lonely and need company, a boyfriend who loves Jesus would be a wonderful company for me and to grow in the Lord reading Gods word...
Dear prayer warriors, thank you so much for praying for our church and the choir singing precious songs to Jesus. For You are great You do miracles so great, there is no One else like You. Please pray for those sinners who came and may Jesus save them all.
For You are glorious and worthy to be praised. You are the Lamb upon the throne and unto You we lift our voice in praise... You are the Lamb upon the throne. Thank you saints of God for praying for our choir and for those people who sing praises to Jesus. My heart is full of praise to God...
Dear God, bless our church and bless our pastor, the choir and those who are going to come in and be saved. O Lord, we need the power of the Holy Spirit of God to be delivered from all kinds of torments from satan. Send healing and mercy we pray. Amen
Please continue to pray for our choir as rehearsal time will come this afternoon. We want to give God all the glory and all the praise in song coming out from thankful hearts. He has kept up under His arms of mercy and compassion and we are thankful.
Dear heavenly Father, please bless each member of the choir who will sing praises to Your holy name. I worship You almighty God, there is none like You. Please God protect them from any virus that may come in and sickness that may arrive. We worship You o Lord and magnify Your holy name. Thou...
As we lift our hands before You as a token of our love to You Lord Jesus, answer all our prayers with blessings and healing. Please Jesus, save the souls of those who came to church last Sunday and bless the choir of our church. Everyone of us needs You today and will need You forever. Amen
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain for us to save us, help us and lead us all to our heavenly home in glory. Praises shall be unto the Lord our God. He alone is worthy of all glory. Would you all please pray for our choir to be full of the presence of Jesus and to sing songs that will make our...
Before the visible and the invisible we bow to give God all the glory and all the honor and all the praise, He alone is worthy of all glory. Please continue to pray for our choir in our church to sing praises to God almighty. As Palm Sunday continues to honor the Lord let us all welcome Jesus in...
Pray for our choir to be full of the presence of Jesus and to sing glorious songs that will touch each and every member who will come in to hear Gods word.
We would like you prayer for our choir to sing this wonderful song to Jesus. Thine be the glory, risen conquering Son. Love to hear this beautiful song singing along with the congregation. Lo, Jesus meet us risen from the tomb. Lovingly He greet us, scatters fear and gloom. May Jesus heal our...
Thank you everyone who was praying for our church. It was full of people who came to seek the Lord and find relief to their trobled souls. Needs had been met and Jesus name was exalted above all things. I exalt Thee o Lord. Beautiful song the choir sung all to the praise and honor of God. Please...
Our church needs all your prayers to be full of the glory of the Lord and that lost souls will come to Jesus and find relief to their troubled souls. Pray for the choir to sing songs of praise that will reach heaven and all the redeemed of the Lord will rejoice heaing the voice of the Lord. Come...
Thank you all prayer warriors for praying for our church. It was full and lost souls came to Jesus. Please continue to pray for the choir and those who sing praises to Jesus, so everyone will be blessed to hear Gods voice coming to their hearts. Majesty, kingdom authority, flow from His throne...
All glory, all praise, all honor to God almighty. He alone is worthy of all praise. Thank you for praying for our choir and church. Jesus is drawing people so near to His heart and many are getting saved by the Blood of the Lamb. Please continue to pray for the next round of service so Gods name...
Please pray for our choir and all members families so they will not get sick with the flu. May God protect them all as they continue to sing praises to Jesus.
Let us all join the choir of angels in heaven and start glorifying His holy name.
My soul, does magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Let us all lift our hands in worship and adore Him now and forever more.
Never ever get tires of praising the Lord. He alone is worthy of all glory. Please pray for our choir to be full of the presence of Jesus as they practice songs of praise to the Lord. God is in the business of saving souls and we need to pray for those who will come to Him tonight.