central america

  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls bless me s I’ll be ...

    Heavenly pls bless me s I’ll be highly physically active each night and day. Pls crush anything that may be preventing me from receiving physical growth. Pls bless s I’ll receive physical growth and I’ll look like I’ve grown up and look like a actual 25 yr male. Pls save all ppl in need to be...
  2. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls s protect m from the ...

    Heavenly pls s protect m from the falling away. Pls help m to stay close to u. Protect all Christians in Africa Asia Europe from falling away. Pls protect all Christians in Australia from falling away. Pls protect Christians in Mexico South America and Central America from falling away. Pls...
  3. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls I’ll have ability t retain ...

    Heavenly pls I’ll have ability t retain inf. Pls bless m dad and mom and brother and sister and brother and brother. And all the p on the site. And their families and family members and friends and loved ones. And the p in Africa Asia and Europe. And their families and family members and loved...
  4. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls bless the last president pls ...

    Heavenly pls bless the last president pls help him he’ll have his life in order and that his cases will be closed. Pls save him and his family members and the ppl in his life. Pls forgive they and save their hearts and their lives. Pls save they s they’ll come to know u and know your word and r...
  5. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls bless m w wisdom. Pls ...

    Heavenly pls bless m w wisdom. Pls bless my dad and mom and brother and brother and sister w financial blessings and bless they w opportunity to buy t Land Rover. Pls bless m sister she’ll have success in her life. Pls my dad w his needs, mom w her needs, brother w his needs, brother w his...
  6. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls save the soul of tha ...

    Heavenly pls save the soul of tha toddler that passed. Pls heal these 91 girls pls save they w they w have their lives and hearts in your hands and they w accept u as their lord and savior and accept ur salvation and committ to Bible t and prayer. Pls bless m dad and mom and siblings they will...
  7. Anonymous

    Heavenly thank u this morning. I thank ...

    Heavenly thank u this morning. I thank for ppl on the site and their family members and families. I thank y for my dad and mom and brother and sister and brother. Pls save all ppl in Africa Asia Europe needing be save. Pls save all ppl in Australia Mexico and Central America and South America...
  8. Anonymous

    Heaven pls forgive me of the things ...

    Heaven pls forgive me of the things I did from the day i was birth till this moment. Pls save all those in Africa Asia and Europe and Australia need salvation. Pls save all those in Mexico South America and Central America. And those in Canada USA and Greenland. And families and family members...
  9. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls bless my dad and mom. Plz bless their needs. Pls bless they in the places they r in. Pls bless dads friends and their family members. Pls bless they as they leave and arrive. Pls bless they’ll a safe and a bless week. Pls help while at job. Pls bless moms...
  10. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls heal all those in USA ...

    Heavenly pls heal all those in USA and bless they their families and loved ones w perfect. Pls bless all those having flights in USA. Pls bless their leave and arrival and Bless they a safe journey. Pls bless they in Africa Asia and Europe having flights. Pls bless their leave and arrival and...
  11. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls bless my dad and mom. ...

    Heavenly pls bless my dad and mom. Pls bless their needs and the places they go. Pls bless brother and his needs. Pls bless sister and her needs. Pls bless brother and his needs. Pls bless those on the site and their needs. Pls bless their family members and loved ones and their needs. Pls save...
  12. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u. Pls have control ...

    Heavenly I thank u. Pls have control on my heart and my life. Pls help me to be much prayerful. Pls save my dad and mom and brother and sister and brother and coworkers and supervisors and all those at Walmart and all families and loved ones in Africa Asia Europe and Australia and Mexico and...
  13. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls help me while at work. Pls if possible pls I may have a opportunity to have a job in templeton ma. Pls bless my dad and mom. Pls bless their leave and arrival and pls bless they’ll a safe and blessed week. Pls bless they’ll favor w their coworkers supervisors...
  14. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz bless my dad and mom. ...

    Heavenly plz bless my dad and mom. Pls bless their needs. Pls bless their friends and their families and loved ones. Pls bless their needs. Pls bless my brother and sister and brother this night. Plz bless their need. Pls bless their friends and their families. Pls bless their need. Pls bless...
  15. Wyrweth

    Happy Father’s Day to the dads in ...

    Happy Father’s Day to the dads in Africa Asia Europe and Australia. And dads in Mexico South America and Central America and Canada and USA and Greenland. Happy Father’s Day to the fathers on the site. God bless u.
  16. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls bless my dad and mom. ...

    Heavenly pls bless my dad and mom. Pls bless their need. Pls bless my brother and sister and brother. Pls bless their need. Pls bless all those on site and their families and loved ones. Pls bless their need. Pls bless those in Africa Asia Europe and Australia and South America and Mexico and...
  17. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls bless my family this night. ...

    Heavenly pls bless my family this night. Pls bless those on th site and their families and loved ones. Pls bless those in their life and their need. Pls bless their need. Pls bless their families needs and their loved ones needs. Pls bless those in Africa Asia Europe. Pls bless their needs...
  18. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u morning. Pls bless ...

    Heavenly I thank u morning. Pls bless my dad and mom. Pls bless they’re need. Pls bless they in their job. Pls bless their needs. Pls bless they w joy and happiness and pls bless they’ll favor with their coworkers supervisors and customers and those in their life and the life of their coworkers...
  19. Anonymous

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls ...

    Heavenly I thank u this morning. Pls forgive me of all sins. Pls bless all those on th site and their families and loved ones. Pls bless they at their jobs schools travels and all the places they r in. Pls bless their needs. Pls bless they each day and night and each week. Pls bless they w joy...
  20. Anonymous

    Heavenly plz pls bless my dad and ...

    Heavenly plz pls bless my dad and mom. Pls bless all those on this site and their families and loved ones. Pls bless all those in their life. Pls bless all those in Africa Asia Europe and Australia and South America and Mexico and Central America and Canada USA and Greenland. Pls bless all those...
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