Lord lord lord please please bless Paul aa to be soo overjoyed ecstatic when I give him card he opens it reads it bless him to text me arrange to meet up with me bless us both with a divine divine connection love for each other in every way make our relationship flourishes bless it in every wah...
Please prayers to sleep well soon and wake on time for Important appointments and I’m able to go earlier to find this optometrist to get my script so I can get my glasses very soon before this card expires lord and please don’t let me get infection when had to pop this cist
today is my birthday and askign God to NOT dissapoint me.. actually make it a happy birthday. i never get a car never get anythign form anyone and every year.im heart broken i have no friends. i care for my sick grandma bedridden for years and my mom and i do not get along no maztter how much I...
Jesus please let the customer service people help me. They blocked my card for no reason and I need my money! Please let them realize they can't go this to me. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Waiting patiently for judy get approved for social security FYI she think I took her card n won't give it to her I never got anything in the mail I got my own money that I work hard for I can't believe that she thinks I stole from her I don't care who believes me I didn't do anything wrong n so...
Pleass pray for me
I shouldn't post this but why not ........... I can't do anything right
No hours hours cut being bully n now I can't talk at work I feel alone I feel I have no friends n can't trust no one broke hurting financially n no one seem to care been attack in all directions I don't...
pray for me I need the most powerful miracle Prayer ever it's snows and every time it snows my Internet is slow and my payment won't go through and I have more than enough of my card please do a miracle a powerful prayer the most powerful miracle ever people that my internet will speed up and...
I have my peace my money is in card for cal fresh now it's fixed fast my energy with me now Joy of the Lord with me my kids now prayers with us now no more disgraceness inelegance stiffness
I have peace no more disgrace on my name unemployment benefits goes on my card and I get a safe place to live immediately my photos are never disgraced nothing of mine is disgraced in Jesus name amen