Jesus please let my mother-in-law call and follow up about her bug problem. Let the man Don who is in charge come back from vacation and help her. Please Jesus. We have to be able to go visit her and take her stuff she needs. She is being completely ignored. Please let someone help her. They are...
Jesus please let my mother-in-law with the bug problem in the building where she lives. Please also let my son go to school tomorrow he can't miss another day. And let the IRS contact me about my identity theft. I have mailed letter after letter and repetedly tried calling and no one ever picks...
Jesus please help my husband at his job tonight. Please also help my son not sniffle anymore, he has to be able to go to school tomorrow and Tuesday, he has a test. Please also let him study more. Please help my sister get better and be able to go back to work soon. And lastly, please help my...
Jesus please let my son be ok and no sneezing and let him study today. Please also help my husband at his job, my sister get better from mother-in-law's bug problem get resolved and mamagement company not be mad or mean. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let the management company for my mother-in-law's apartment do something to help her with her bug problem and stop making her stay in her apartment. And please don't make her have to get rid of all of her stuff. Please Jesus. Thank you, Amen.
Jesus please help my sister who is very sick and my mother in law, who is dealing with a bug problem and no one will help her, and because she is in community living, she has to be trapped in her apartment, and cannot get food or her mail of her laundry. Please help her. And please let the mean...
Jesus please help my sister she is in pain with some health issues. Please help my mother in law she has a bad neighbor who is spreading bug problem. Please let it go away. Please also help me with health and sleep issues. Please also stop another pandemic from happening. I can't go through it...
Jesus please heal my bad allergies and help my husbands pain and let our bug problem please stop. Also, please let my lost packages show up i just want closure to the situation. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please help me everything is still so chaotic, my son is being awful, my husband is ill, and I received very upsetting news about my son's disability payments and I cannot get anyone to help me. Please Jesus, help me. This is a battle I don't have the strength to deal with. Please also...
Jesus please let my son stop doing bad things on the computer. Please let out bug problem clear up. Please, and most importantly, let my husband get paid. His boss better not be starting that thing again where he tries to not pay him! We can't afford that!!!!! He has to pay him! Thank you Jesus...
Jesus I cannot handle the riots anymore. I am literally crying myself to sleep about all the violence. I am terrified it will come to my neighborhood and that I won't be able to protect my son. Please let this violence stop. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I also am very upset because now the government is...
Jesus please let the rioting and protests stop. Now there is talk of destroying your statues, this is insanity and it must stop! Please. Also, please stop the bug problem we have. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my husband's co-worker stop trying to take his job and please let my son be able to use the bathroom. And please help us with our bug problem. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let our bug problem clear up and please let my husband help today and no arguing. Please let us get house cleared out. Thank you Jesus, Amen.