Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright career. My Lord Jesus fulfill all their wishes and let them come out with flying color.
Request Prayer for my bright career .Lord Jesus give me a strength to cop with any challenging situation at my workplace. and keep your blessing forever with me.
Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright career. May Lord Jesus fulfilled all the wishes and bring glory in there life.
Request Prayer for my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright career. May Lord Jesus give them a strength to cop up with any situation.
Request prayer to my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright career and Lord Jesus give them a strength
to cop up with any situation and come out with the flying color.
Request prayer for my bright career. At present there is a huge challenges ahead .Lord Jesus give me a strength to cope with the situation and keep your grace forever with me.
Request prayer of my nephews Sameer Jadhav and Tejas Jadhav for there bright career, May Lord Jesus fulfilled all there wishes and performed well in there respective careers.
Request Prayer for my bright career as my appraisal process is going on and it is quite challenging this time. May Lord Jesus help me to come out with this wiith a flying color.