Type Prayer Request Herep God open my brain Give me the spirit to read and understand Open the door of Mercy for my father teach thy status we're tired of porverty heal my mother
please delive rmy briand form all evil diabetesinsipidus and also my kidneys pelas eofrgiv em eLord. nee dhelaign in my brian. pelas eremove lyme disease. please hel my grandas praise. please rmeove tumors form al who have tumors. hav merc yon my sins.Lord Jesus Christ YOu are good. All praise...
Heavenly pls cleanse my brain forgive me of all sins. Pls so I will never idolize anyone or think of anyone xcept u and father mom. So I later my brain will be clear. Amen.
I’m Martha. Please, pray they give me the job I interviewed for 1 week ago. Pray they call me soon. I can’t do my present job any longer, my brian is exhausted. I also need prayers for my eyes. I have been having blurred vision on my left eye for a while. Please, pray my eyesight improves. I...
Heavenly pls so I will never have a memory of the things that occurred to me while in tx till now. Pls reset my brain. So it will be totally clear. Amen.
pleas epry or my grandmas blood pressure dementiasmallbowel obstruction syndrom and digestiont o be healed. pleas epray for her to have pancreas healed.please pray for her heart and brian to be healed. and all her body. Lord Jeus Chris tplease save her soul and hela her.
I pray this thought in my head will go away I need a miracle With my thoughts and brain I pray I can go out tomorrow please help me with some really powerful strong mighty prayers in the mighty name Jesus amen
I pray for total mental healing with my brain and thoughts I pray I get the right help and medication for my mental illness I pray god will do miracles and breakthroughs with my brain now in the mighty name of Jesus
Please pray for my father, Duke. The doctors removed a tumor from his brain. Please give thanks that the biopsy will come back as benign and that the tumor will not return.
I pray my brain can smooth out I’m having weird ocd thoughts that I can’t explain like something in my head keeps telling me I have to remember everything I’ve done in life even though that’s impossible idk where these weird thoughts are coming from it’s trapping me because I have to think about...
I need prayers for my thoughts my brain is not thinking clearly or correctly my mind feels like a maze and it’s constantly bothering me it’s stopping me enjoying freedom and life I pray for miracles and breakthroughs in my life now amen
I pray for miracles and breakthroughs in my life tonight i pray my brain and thoughts will work properly again I want healing for my thoughts and brain constant negative thoughts keep plaguing me I want them to disappear forever so I can enjoy life I pray Dan will give me his full attention I...
Please pray for my father, Duke. Doctors removed a mass from his brain. Please pray that the MRI comes back normal and the biopsy comes back as benign. Please give thanks that he will be completely healed and live well beyond what the doctors were initially predicting.