blood flow

  1. Bachan

    Praise the lord. I'm Janaki from Bangalore. ...

    Praise the lord. I'm Janaki from Bangalore. Please pray for my parents. My father is 76 year old. He has diagnosed by urinary bladder and prostate Cancer. Because of his age we are not able to operate. Please pray for him for his recovery. He is facing blood flow in urine and burning sensation...
  2. Linabastole

    Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ. ...

    Greeting in the name of Jesus Christ. My mom has been sick since last 3 month.According to doctor she has infection in her uterus,due to that she feel pain in lower abdomen and blood flow time to time.So please pray for my mom healing and I believe that Jesus is healer and there is not such...
  3. Sescagh

    urgent. please pray for Schneider Vilmosné my ...

    urgent. please pray for Schneider Vilmosné my grandmas blood pressure to be healed in the named of the Lord jesus Christ. for her to have excellent blood pressure. please pry the Lord jesus Christ touches and restores her circulation to life to be heale din His name. please pray she has constant...
  4. Jesussaves89

    emergency prayer request for my grandma in ...

    emergency prayer request for my grandma in hospital she is sufferign forma lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain brain and boidy her body has been slipping into cramping and comas .. She also has obstructions to her bowels .. PLease pray the Lord JesuChris theal her of all dieseases and...
  5. Jesussaves89

    I am coming to ask a very ...

    I am coming to ask a very serious emegrency prayer request for my grandma to the Chruch. MY grANDMA is int he hospital for the 2 time in 2 days.. she is sufferign forma lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain brain and boidy her body has been slipping into cramping and comas .. She also has...
  6. Jesussaves89

    Hi Living Word Church, this is Judit ...

    I am coming to ask a very serious emegrency prayer request for my grandma to the Chruch. MY grANDMA is int he hospital for the 2 time in 2 days.. she is sufferign forma lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain brain and boidy her body has been slipping into cramping and comas .. She also has...
  7. Jesussaves89

    I am coming to ask a very ...

    I am coming to ask a very serious emegrency prayer request for my grandma to the Chruch. MY grANDMA is int he hospital for the 2 time in 2 days.. she is sufferign forma lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain brain and boidy her body has been slipping into cramping and comas .. She also has...
  8. Kolodioth

    J is hospitalized with significant pleural effusions bilaterally, CHF, + possible coronary artery blockage

    Dear Lord, Bless J as he deals with multiple tests + procedures in a short span of time. May there be no complications. May the cause of CHF/effusions be found. If he has CAD, may they be able to open any blockages in his coronary arteries + may blood flow be restored. He was supposed to have...
  9. Kirinylandra

    Im Emmanuel Kunene requesting for prayer healing ...

    Im Emmanuel Kunene requesting for prayer healing with one leg whole leg swollen its 0ver 3 months now doctors siting blood flow.
  10. Deeliz

    Sister having surgery Thank you

    Asking all the prayer warriors to please pray for my sister Delia She will be having 2 major surgery to repair her stomach aneurysm which has been causing her problems for over a year with the blood flow of her body the best doctors will be handling this surgery with the Lord and the Holy Ghost...
  11. Aneleemoche

    Help me in prayers. I need healing. ...

    Help me in prayers. I need healing. I feel sick inside my lungs and heart. I feel my blood circulation is not very good cos sometimes my arteries/veins stand rigid and blood flow is limited . Pray for me. Its urgent.
  12. Bupiloss

    Precious Son is sick

    My wife and I have a newborn son that is fighting for his life. He was born with Noonan Syndrome and has had so many complications. His heart and lungs had problems, but Everything was going well with him until he got an infection. After that he went back on the respiratory machine and his body...
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