Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart trough this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
I pray for all my brothers and sisters in Christ please Father God protect us and be with us. Please unite us. I pray that we rep you properly and strongly. Please keep us in Your will. Please may we rule above Your enemies and may we rule in a way that pleases You. I pray I am obedient in all...
Father let her car work today whit the new replacment part she gets. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father let her remember all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautyfull memories we share and all the laughs we have. Father let there be healing to her BPD and let us find more and more love between...
Father let her remeber all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautyfull memories we share and all the laughs we have. Father let there be healing to her BPD and let us find more and more love between us...
Father let her remeber all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautyfull memories we share and all the laughs we have. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father I praise you for she found the replacment part for her car. Unfortunately she has to wait until monday for the part to arrive at local store. Now I ask to keep her safe and from all bad influence during her stay at her friends place. Let this situation and distance stregthen our...
Father allow her to find new replacment part for her car today so she can get home today. Help her and speak to her trough this situation Father. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Her car broke down. Let her reiceve speedy and profesional help for it tommorow. She is traveling other side of the country stuck now whit her broken car. Father please let there be help soon. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father help her to balance her mind and emotions. She is again going trough a BPD episode. Let there be healing and let her accept theraphy Father. Speak to her mind and heart and heal her. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
My fiance has trouble whit her car and she is on the other side of the country. Father please let her find help and get her car running. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father help her and let her receive healing for her BPD and moodswings it causes. Help me to love her after your own heart God. InJesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father I praise you for opening me new doors for my carreer. You allowed my to get into the advanced nursing school I apllied and now you have opened me doors for work from multiple different places. I have decided to resing my current job as it is now time to move one. I also praise you for the...
Please pray for me brothers and sisters in Christ: Father God in Jesus name please bless me with obedience to You. Keep me in Your will. Please protect me. Please bless me. Please favor me and cover me in grace and mercy. Now and forever by Your gentle grace and mercy alone in Jesus name and...
Father bless us and let her BPD episodes go away more easily. Let there be healing and restoration. Let her remeber all good memories between us. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father you blessed this day. We had very good discussion today and I think some healing took place too. Let her keep good memory from this evening and day Father. I am thankfull of her and all you have given us God. Let there be more healing and growth in the future Father. And let love grow...
Father bless this day as we meet after I get off work. Let us have fruithfull good discussion today as we meet. Let there be healing and communication. Let her agree to go to meetings together so we can get help for her BPD and managing it's symptoms when they occur in our relationship. In Jesus...