I request prayers that I can let go of my own will and desires for my life and instead surrender to God's Holy Will and that I can trust in Him fully and completely. And that I can let go of any and all blocks to receiving His many blessings and gifts and grace into my life. Amen
I request prayers that I am able to let go of any and all attachment to a certain friend of mine calling me a certain amount in order to feel loved and also to that same friend giving me a certain amount of attention or time spent together in order to feel loved and accepted. Also, that I am...
I request prayers that I may let go of all karma and samskaras and samsara and my ego-mind and that I can surrender to God's Will without resistance or blocks and that I can completely trust in His plan for my life. Also, that God and His Angels heal the swelling under my eye as quickly and...
I request prayers that I may be fully conscious in each moment and that I am able to discern the Truth of what's really going on always, and in all ways and on all levels, all the time. And that I can release any and all blocks to being strong, confident, and secure in my Being and in my...
I request prayers that I can let go of any and all blocks to loving and accepting myself unconditionally and any and all blocks to enjoying my life and living my life with loving, devotional worship for God. Amen
I request prayers that I may become closer and closer with God, that I become aware of my oneness with Him on an experiential level, that I am able to let go of any and all blocks to receiving all of the blessings, gifts, grace and Divine Consciousness that God wants to bestow upon me and shower...
I request prayers that I can let go of any and all blocks to receiving all of God's blessings, gifts and grace and Divine Consciousness. I request prayers that I may be healed in all ways and on all levels by God and His Angels and by the Ascended Masters. Amen
I request prayers that I can let go of any and all self judgement and self criticism and that I may embrace total self love and self acceptance and that I can let go of any all blocks to cleaning and organizing my home to the perfection of God. Amen
I request prayers that I may release any and all blocks to sleeping deeply and having vibrant energy and vitality every morning and that God may continue to bless our practice with supernatural success, supernatural prosperity, supernatural profitability, and a supernatural amount of consult...
consult calls
country: united states
pure love
supernatural amount
supernatural success supernatural prosperity supernatural profitability
vibrant energy
I request prayers that I can let go of any and all blocks to complete self-love and self-acceptance and also to truly enjoying my life and to using this blessing of a human lifetime to become closer and closer to God and establishing a better and better relationship with Him.
I request prayers that I may let go of any and all blocks to receiving all of God's blessings, gifts and grace into my life always and in all ways and on all levels all the time. Amen
I request prayers that I may let go of any and all blocks to experiencing my own Divinity and Infinity on a daily basis. And that my practice continues to supernaturally prosper and succeed with Divine Love and that it is supernaturally blessed and protected. Amen
I request prayers that I may release any and all blocks to receiving God's infinite blessings, gifts, and grace and that I may live in a state of Divine Consciousness. I request prayers that God continues to bless my practice with supernatural success, prosperity, profitability, and a...
consult calls
country: united states
divine consciousness
infinite blessings gifts
supernatural amount
supernatural success prosperity profitability
I request prayers that I am able to let go of any and all blocks to being one with God, Divine Consciousness, Divine Love, Divine Joy and Divine Grace. Amen
I request prayers that I may let go of any and all blocks to cleaning and organizing and any and all blocks to being super fit and healthy on every level including spiritually. Amen
I request prayers that I am able to let go of any and all blocks to receiving all of God's Grace and Blessings and Divine Energy into my life and that I am able and strong enough to surrender to His Will no matter what. Amen
I request prayers that I can let go of any and all blocks to being physically full of energy and to feeling vibrantly healthy and well. Also, that I can chant God's Holy Name always within my mind. Amen
I request prayers that I am able to let go of all blocks and samskaras that interfere with living in and operating from the highest Divine Consciousness. Amen
I request prayers to release any and all blocks to experiencing my own Divine Nature and the highest level of consciousness I am able to attain in this lifetime. Amen