
  1. natasha2

    No bloating or breathing problems

    No bloating or problems with breathing. Connected to stomach and anxiety. I want to go now to get vaccinated. Pray for no fear.
  2. natasha2

    Easy breathing, no sinusitis or gastritis

    Opened sinuses. Healthy sinuses. No sinusitis. No gastritis. No wounds in my mouth. No pain in my jaw. No bloating of my stomach. EASY BREATHING THROUGH NOSE AND MOUTH.
  3. natasha2

    Urgent Breathing

    Pray that i will easily breathe. No bloating of the stomach. Normal stomach acid. Normal diggestion. No jams No pain in the stomach area
  4. natasha2

    No itchiness in the throat, no bloating

    No itchiness in the throat and deeper, no bloating of the stomach. Protection of any flue, virus, cold for me and my family.
  5. natasha2

    Normal breathing, no bloating, normal stomach acid

    Normal breathing. Normal stomach acid. No bloating.
  6. natasha2

    Stomach flue

    No nausea. No bloating of the stomach. Normal breathing. No fever..... (this morning was the temperature of the body 36,6 so pray that it will not rise), yesterday it was 37,5. No other symptoms like pain in the area of stomach (abdomen and back) etc etc...
  7. natasha2

    Healing of stomach flue

    Total healing from stomach flue. No bloating of my stomach. No.nausea. No fever.
  8. natasha2

    URGENT Breathing

    please pray that i will breathe easily no bloating normal stomach acid probably anxiety
  9. natasha2

    Normal brrathing please

    Normal breathing. No bloating please. No irritation or inflammatiom in my diggestive system.
  10. natasha2

    Normal breathing, no bloating

    Normal breathing, no bloating.
  11. natasha2

    Easy breathing, no bloating, sleep

    Easy breathing. No bloating No boiling. NOrmal stomach acid. No irritation in the stomach. Opened sinuses. Good sweet sleep
  12. natasha2

    Easy breathing, easy diggestion, lipps wound

    No boiling or bloating of my stomach. Normal easy breathing. Normal easy diggestion. Always. Normal stomach acid. No stress or tension, fear or anxiety. Healed/removed wounds in the corner of my lipps. Feeling of stretching. Dry wound. Sometimes painful.
  13. natasha2

    Sinuses, stomach, acid, breathing

    Opened sinuses. Healthy stomach. No boiling. No bloating. Normal stomach acid. Normal breathing. No gastritis.
  14. natasha2

    No noise, sweet sleep, sinuses...

    No noise in my neighbourhood. Loud tv!!!! Or any other noise or loud talking. Opened sinuses. Normal.stomach acid. No bloating. Sweet uninterrupted sleep.
  15. natasha2

    Sleep, sinuses, stomach, breathing

    Catching up a sleep today. Opened sinuses. No bloating of a stomach. Normal breathing.
  16. natasha2

    Declaration for my diggestion, prayer

    In Jesus name: My stomach is relaxed. My stomach secretes proper amounts of acid. My stomach diggests food easily and thoroughly. THere is no bloating or boiling of my stomach. There is no breathing problems in Jesus name, amen. I breathe easily and effortlesly in Jesus name. Everything is...
  17. natasha2

    URGENT Breathing

    Please pray that i will breathe easily. No bloating of a stomach.
  18. natasha2

    Normal breathing, no bloating.

    Normal breathing. No bloating.
  19. natasha2

    Healthy stomach, no gastritis

    Normal breathing. No bloating. No gastritis. No acid reflux, no heart burn.... No pain. (any area) No discomfort in abdomen, back or any other area. No boling in my stomach. No strčess or tension in my body. Healthy stomach in all ways.
  20. natasha2

    Normal breathing and diggestion

    Thank you Jesus for making my breathing normal whatever the reason. Stress, evil spirits, gastritis, thyroid gland, menopause etc.... No feeling of boiling in my stomach, normal acid please, not to much. No bloating, amen. Health and strength. Wonderful day today, amen.
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