God bless everyone. The HOA board and the management company refuses to do anything about the noisemakers above me. She ya on the board and even though I have sent recordings the keep making excuses. Please provide us with justice. God bless. Amen.
The board members at Fulton Terrace are bullies. They management company allows the members to do what they want. The unit above me allows their children to jump, stomp, throw stuff till 11pm at night. I have complained for years but they will not do anything cause she is on the board. Provide...
Prayers for the meeting happening on 9/30 with the bullies on the HOA board. They allow the board member above me to allow her children to make noise, jump, bang, throw stuff till 10-11pm at night. I have complained for years yet nothing. However if the 3 board members complain others are fined...